
Monday, June 15, 2020

Monday, Successful Shower!

Here is a picture of our oldest and our second daughter out at Hell's gate state park where we headed for the evening after the shower.  We had a camp fire and smores, like we needed more sugar.   Sig is due in late August.

Here are Sig and B.  B is due August 3rd but they think baby will come early as it is measuring larger and lungs more developed. Sig has heels on as B is much taller.  All three of the girls have red in their hair, well except Sig who is a red head and B died the end of her hair blue to bug her mother who hates that kind of thing.

We had a great time at the shower.  Lots of old family friends and I was surprised to realize how many are in the health care professions.  At least 1/2.  We had a lot of laughs.

Here is B with the 100 bill Aunty Kay sent.

Sig with her Aunty Kay diaper money!

All the yummy food and loads of gifts, it was embarrassing the girls received so much. 
Cake pops, dipped strawberries and mock tale punches, yum
Look at these beautiful peonies someone brought the girls., I love peonies.
Me getting ready to go to the shower, I am already tired and it has not even started!

I was touched by the turn out and by the generosity of friends. We had a good laugh over the fact that Sig (D#2) has never had any celebration of her own.  As the middle child she always had to share her big days with some one else.  There are quite a few years in age between the girls.  The oldest was able to graduate from High school and college and then when Sig graduated from High school the eldest graduated from Law School, so she was well over shadowed a bit.  Then when Sig graduated from her dental program which was a 5 year degree, the baby B graduated from High school, so she shared that.  When Sig had her first baby the eldest was having her last baby so they shared that celebration and now Sig is having her second and she has to share with B who is having her first. She just never gets anything of her own, but all the girls  just love each other and they really don't care. They just laugh about it.

To say that I am wiped out is an understatement.  Having company for 4 days is rough on this old woman.  There is a ton of laundry, sheets, blankets, towels to wash.  It is raining hard all week so I cannot dry anything outside and will have to make several trips to Lil sis's.

I have plenty of sewing to get done today and everything is picked up so if I want more money I had better get to work!

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. SO glad the shower was a success, the food looks great! Now be sure to get some rest.

    1. I tried to nap yesterday, but two wedding dresses and tribal regalia came in....

  2. Glad you had a great turnout for your girl's showers. You look great too!

  3. Looks like a great time was had by all! Hope you can rest some this week!

    1. Well so far the shop phone has rang off the hook!!!!

  4. Looks and sounds like a great time was had by all.

  5. It's great that all turned out happy and well for all of you. I want some of that food.

    1. Well I still have a little in the fridge but it will go by by today, as it is chicken and shrimp.

  6. Your daughters are beautiful!! Just like their Mama!! Sounds like such a wonderful time - so pleased for you Kim.

    1. Thank you I think they are pretty special, but I am their mom.

  7. Kim! You are beautiful! And your girls are lovely. The shower was a huge success, and now you can relax and rest in the glow of a job well done. Have a cozy evening, my friend.

    1. Thanks Billie, I just wish my phone would quit ringing.

  8. What a lovley event! The food looks/sounds amazing. i love the diaper money-bay's gonna poop!

    1. Thanks Sam. So happy it is over, now I need a nap so bad and I can't as the shop is crazy.

  9. Aww lovely family time and i have grandchild envy!

  10. I cannot wait for those little bundles of joy let me tell you.

  11. So much fun and I am soooo jealous!

  12. Congratulations all round.

    What a lovely family event...
