
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Tuesday, That did not take long!

      I am way behind on charts for the year, with this covid thing.  But look once the shop opens and stuff gets picked up, I completed this sheet in no time.  Realize that there was a lot of back log of work to be picked up.  This is great as it pays the painter.

     The specialist confirmed what I thought about my hip and knee pain.  It is related to bursitis in the hip joint.  I do have some damage from all those years of teaching and dancing. It is just hard on the tendons.  This is why my doctor was on me to quit running.  He said bursitis would set in and there is not much we can do about it.  SO back to the physical therapist for exercises to strengthen the hip joints.   The nerve pain in the knee is from the hip.

     It is very cold here and I am aching for warm weather. Hubs and I have been looking at houses with not much success.  It is very discouraging. We had a second offer from the same people who offered before as their house sold.  It is less than we wanted but not by much and actually really what the house is worth.  We have not accepted,and I am terrified that I will never find a house that is as nice as the one we made and offer on and lost.  I am sacred to death.

     I just have to have faith that something will happen and we will find something great.  Right?

     I did not as much sewing yesterday as I wanted, but I did get a lot of ripping done, so today should zip right along.  I do have to run to Joanns for a zipper. Then home to get the piles done and alter another wedding dress.  It is busy here.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. At least you know what is wrong with your knee. Are you going to take the offer? That must be a hard decision to make.

  2. If you want to experience warm weather, move here. The house next door is empty

    1. That would be lovely, but is there humidity? Have you seen my hair in humidity?

  3. Kudos to you for getting the chart completed! I hope it warms up for you and your knee starts feeling better soon.

  4. Awesome work with the chart! And, hoping your knee feels better - that is something i dread & already can feel twinges of, when I'm running at times

  5. Great job on the new chart.
    House selling and buying is so stressful! Hope it all works out smoothly for you but I have no advice.

  6. I would have had an appraisal done prior to listing it as no one will get a loan on it if it's not worth what they are borrowing... credit scores are needing to be over 650 for a home loan and most are wanting 20 % down. Our son was looking at selling his house and buying another one...Decided to just sit tight. Glad we had already got this one because I would be pulling my hair of over it. I have bursitis of my hip. My doctor told me when it got to bad for me to handle he would do arthroscopic removal of the bursa. It doesn't affect the hip and has a low recovery time.
