
Monday, September 7, 2020

Monday, Family, friends,fun

 Lil sis at her 60th birthday with Kelsa her name sake.  We had a good time and the kids ran and played and swam in a kiddy pool.  There was too much food so we are trying to eat it down over here and we may just make it.  Kinda nice that I don't have to cook for my hoard.

     Sad that Sissie left today for Missoula with my girlfriends.  We did not get any alone time together at all.  Just too busy with new babies and my kids.  But that is okay we will get together again. As soon as their is a vaccine  and I feel that it is safe to fly.

Here is super chunk Oliver he is 4 weeks old and Kelsa in her too big preemies clothes at one week old. We are loving these babies. But babies sure keep you busy.

I managed to get my sisters outdoor cushions done for her birthday and I am glad that project is out of the way. It was chaos trying to sew with a house full of boys, but I managed.

Tomorrow we are taking off for Nampa as Hubs youngest sister is there for the next few days and she wants to see us.  We also need to do the missionary apartments that are out of town so we will combine the trip.

I really just want to stay home and try to reach some kind of new normal, but also want to see family.  Just so much has gone on and I am burned out a little, I think?

I can handle what I have but adding another trip just seems overwhelming right now. Hubs just took the boys to the park and they are back already...

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I wish I could hold that tiny pink baby girl. I know she smells so good.

  2. Oh what precious babies!!!!!!!
    I know that feeling of wanting to be home but also wanting to see family.
    Hope you enjoy, my friend!

  3. Sweet babies!

    I'm with you, I really miss seeing family & would go in a heartbeat if it was safe. I wish we'd gone to the Oregon coast this weekend. Weather was great there, and instead, we roasted here at home. Lesson learned!

  4. Lovely photo of those two new babies Kim! Also wonderful pic of your Sis who does not look 60 one single bit !!!!

  5. The babies are super sweet. I look forward to that. Hopefully after this visit you can stay put for a while.

  6. Ah, how sweet!
    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,
