
Friday, November 6, 2020

Friday, Really...." REALLY"?

      Our nation in a NUT shell.  What can I say?  Life goes on we just have to get along, I might have to divorce Hubs to get away from his crazy conspiracy theory family for the next four years.  But other than that I think things will be okay.

     I just have to grit my teeth and not say anything and I feel so sorry for my three well educated, well read girls, who cannot comment on anything or they get ripped apart by Hubs family. You cannot grow up in a very small town in Idaho (pop 504) graduate from high school,marry your sweetheart at 18 and have 4 kids by 23, and never open a book and then make accurate assumptions about our country.  Sorry you can't.  The internet is not a school.   Hubs folks had 5 children and from those 5 they had 21 granddaughters and 5 grandsons. Only one child went on to college (Hubs)  he was ridiculed for going.  Not that he was able to make a living after he graduated so that did not help.  Segue....

    Of those grandchildren less than half completed college, but we do have some very well educated  kids in that mix.  Those who went onto school are much more liberal and easy to get along with.  Those who did not will believe anything that is written against our soon to be President.  It is going to be a long four years.   I am not saying that you have to go to college to be intelligence or educated, but in this family the difference in their ability to see both sides is directly affected by education.  Lord help me and mine is all I can say.

     Daughter #2 is on her way down to get me and we are going to find some things for her house.  Tomorrow we are going to help Lil sis get the coal room cleaned out and go through mom's stuff. I am making a large pot of home made chicken soup.  As I was trying to clean out the freezer I found three small containers of chicken stock and and I added to those a large package of chicken thighs.  Tomorrow I will make homemade noodles to add to this stock.  Today it is all about carrots, onions,and garlic.

Well I gotta run.

Have a great and productive day staying posit iv e while you are in the negative.






  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I feel your pain, Kim. It has already started. sigh

  3. Thankfully, our immediate family (minus one brother-- the one who is the father of my niece and nephew that my parents have custody of) share political beliefs. However extended family it depends, which is why I just don't talk politics with anyone. LOL Hope you have a good weekend!

  4. Like Rachel, my immediate family shares political views, which makes life easier. We sometimes disagree on tactics (e.g. how to solve budget or tax problems, etc) but we fundamentally agree on helping others & kindness, empathy, & equality. Everyone is a critical thinker, who doesn't take what they read at face value, and post crazy theories. They research, check multiple sources, ask questions, challenge, etc.

    We have a lot of diversity in our family (race, sexual preference, religion) & anyone who wants to roll in with offensive things to say is going to be shown the door. Unfortunately, it's happened in the extended family.

  5. Apparently, I had more to say. ;) I also just don't think, as a society, we are ready for the huge influx of information, with no trusted sources. The internet makes everything "appear to be" news, even when it's not. That wasn't a challenge 15 years ago, and while I'm sure there were fringe believers, they weren't spreading misinformation to each other & we just don't have the right steps in place to better help people navigate information online.

  6. Try living in the state of Alabama. Ignorance abounds.
    People think universities and education lead people from their faith. No, not true. Education teaches critical thinking, plain and simple. Young people often have never heard another opinion than opinions of parents and church.

    This very red state has people who are not critical thinkers. Nothing else to say about this.

    The present person is not going to leave peaceably!

  7. I'm sorry, but I know what you mean. It boggles my mind how stupid some people are these days.
    I'm sort of hoping that we won't be around dh's extended family too much this holiday season.
    Homemade chicken soup sounds so good and comforting. Hope you have a good weekend

  8. I am a very long time reader but never comment. Just want to say to Kim that I completely sympathize with your comments. I'm in MA where many (but not all) people respect education and critical thinking is encouraged. However I am still regularly astonished by some of the nonsense that now passes for "facts"... the internet has definitely contributed to this problem as have sites like Facebook. I just hope that in the long run common sense and a basic respect for the rule of law will survive. I still cannot believe that a former, prominent member of the current administration recently called for the murder of a public health official. Kindness and tolerance and respect are the foundation of any civilized society and I pray we will see a return to those values beginning in January 2021.

  9. Our families are a mixed bag of politics. His brother is just a pompous ass who has always been thought of as better than the rest by his parents, but surprisingly his sister and her husband tend to be more like minded to us. My family has a wide swath with a few Trumpsters. As HP said, kindness is most important and that will be where I focus.

  10. Hi Kim, my daughter and I are at opposite ends of the political spectrum. It's hard to see the bigger picture when you believe everything you read without checking the facts. And as a nation, we need to heal from the division, move forward.

  11. Harvey has a few in his family that believe those conspiracy theories as well. I just shake my head and try not to point out the fallacy of their beliefs. In fact one of his sisters was a teacher for many years (and a nun) and she comes out with the strangest things.

    God bless.

  12. baby boomers are going to get abused and treated like garbage in the retirement homes. Thanks to Trump pissing off every group of people, literally everyone hates baby boomers now. Maybe you boomers shouldn't have been so selfish and ruined your children's future with your short-sighted greed. Enjoy those retirement homes, and good luck, boomers!

  13. "Fools (currrent president) give full vent to their rage, but the wise (president-elect) bring calm in the end." Proverbs 29:11


  14. Don't believe everything you hear and read. Think for yourself. Listen to a wide range of views with an open mind.
