
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Saturday, Thanksgiving aftermath, I am tired!

      It has been a whirlwind busy last couple of days here.  Dinner went off without a hitch, but boy was I tired.  I started to get a migraine right before we sat down to eat and my vision was affected.  When I would look at things I had vertigo and shifting.  I was so embarrassed I did not want to say anything and ruin dinner.  I just gritted my teeth and hoped for the best.  Right after my son in law's parents left I went to my bedroom where my side of the bed was stacked with baby paraphernalia, I crawled on hubs side and slept for a couple of hours.  Felt better when I woke up.

     I kept telling myself to buck up and my mind kept asking, "Can you ever do this again?"  Was this an isolated incident or will I have to give up hosting gatherings?  My feet and legs hurt so bad it was really weird. Friday the kids stayed two nights and we had 3 dogs and three small kids in this little house plus the adults trying to coral said kids and dogs.  It was fun and we got in so many snuggles.  Oliver rolled over for the first time to a cheering crowd.  I think we scared him.  He might never roll over again!

    The girls and I were going to take down fall and put up Christmas on Thanksgiving day after dinner, but I could not had done one more thing.  I was too beat.  So we thought let's do it Friday and I could not.  I just needed to rest.  Although we did get out and get one gift. (daughter and I) Finally about 6:30 last night I put the last of the leftover eating dishes in the dish washer.  The turkey was boned out by my son in law's folks so that was ready to boil down. I froze two large containers of broth and and meat for enchiladas and then a large bag of broth for soup. I scrubbed the roaster and it is ready to go back to the garage.

     The kids took home large pans of leftovers and that helped eliminate the food clutter.  We will have a few missionaries over to clean up the rest. I am still very tired and achy and I am disgusted with myself as I feel like a wuss.

Things I would like to do today.

1. empty the dishwasher

2. get some laundry done

3. pack up Thanksgiving and fall decorations

4. do some shopping with hubs

5. put away good silver

6. put away crystal

7. swap good china with Christmas china

8. Haul in tree and set up This is in one of the sheds and it is dark it can wait!

I don't know if any of this will get done.  We will see.  Just what is wrong with me anyway?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. My friend,
    I am glad you rested when you needed to.
    It sounds as if you hosted a wonderful Thanksgiving for your loved ones!
    I found myself extremely tired Thursday evening as well.
    I had no clean jammies, so I actually fell asleep in my sweats!
    Hope you have a cozy evening.
    Making turkey soup here. : )

  2. Nothing is wrong with you. You just need to stop feeling that you need to prove to everyone that you are Wonder Woman. Everyone should have helped you without even having to ask. I feel sad for you if you think you have to keep up at your pace just to make things look good. Your daughters and family are adults...they need to pitch in more and you need to let them. Love doesn’t mean killing yourself in the process. Time for the family to make new traditions and not just with you doing it all. Just my opinion.
    Hope you feel better.

    1. I second this. When I read your posts, I wonder how old your daughters are. They do NOT need to come to Mom's house so they can take a bath and a nap, nor do you need to drop everything and come to their rescue constantly! Part of having kids is just learning to roll with the punches. I was a 25-year-old mother of four and never asked my mom (who worked full time by the way) to let me take a nap. And part of being a grandma (I happily am!) is enjoying the grands and giving them back to their parents. For the next holiday, pass out a to-do list for the food and clean-up. Everyone has to put their name next to something. In our home, the cook does not do the clean-up. You will be no fun if you are in an early grave from exhaustion! And get tested again for covid.


    2. My kids did help me. In fact they helped cook and cleaned the whole house. I gave them one task after another and they completed it. Both made and bought ingredients for dishes I assigned. I know I over do, but I did not let anyone know I was feeling lousy until the next day and then we scaled back what we were going to do. I know I do a lot for them, but I want to and my mother was not good about helping me in general. She was quite selfish and I needed her so badly at times. I just want to be there for my girls. But they do a lot for me and are very considerate of me and my limitations. I just don't like to show them when I don't feel well because it is so often.

  3. I would go to the doctor. Vertigo and shifting and legs and feet hurting badly needs to get checked out. In these Covid times, we cannot be too careful with our health. Virtual hugs.

    1. I back Cindy in the south on this. It is how I found out I had a bad vein that was causing issues with my bp causing it to drop and me to the point I passed out. GET IT CHECKED OUT.

    2. If this feeling does not end I will go to the doctor trust me.

  4. Sometimes you just need to rest. I think sometimes hosting meals and events are getting beyond me as well. Thank heavens Kurt and Kris are more than willing to do most of the clean up after a big meal.

    If it keeps on though I think I would visit or call a doctor.

    God bless.

  5. Oliver will probably turn over when no one is looking next time. lol

  6. You are just worn out Kim. You have been keeping up an incredible pace for the entire year. Look at all the HUGE things you have had happen this year. You are just plum worn out my friend. You need to take care of YOU & let everyone else look after themselves or you will spend Christmas in bed sick. Please take care Kim. xx

  7. I'm just one more voice in the choir. It's OK to just stoo, rest, and let others take on what they can. I know you love your family and the babies, but it's odd to me that they stayed over when you weren't well and they live close.

    1. I did not let them know I was unwell. My girls are very good at helping me and are very considerate of me when I let them know what is going on.

  8. All of what the others have said. Take care of yourself. Be honest with your family about how you're feeling, so they can help you like you are always helping them.

    1. They are great about helping me when I ask for help. I think I am just not well right now.

  9. I will add, If I cook , the kids clean before and after. Everyone helps not just me do it all. When it started being me do it all I QUIT and told them it was their time to start carrying on traditions they wanted to keep and I would help THEM. I nursed the youngest every 90 mins, she was a premie. No one watched her so I could take a nap. I learned to sleep in the rocker. Sometimes (me included) we do too much. Daddy (whose mother had polio and then a stroke) asked me how my kids would be if I dropped dead. If they can't make it without me , I did not do my job on raising them to be independent. It's okay to help SOME, it's not okay to rescue. I just had daughter 4 give me her legal agreement that she owed us money and was incurring until 12/31/ 2021 including appliances and that she understood that if we died she had to pay her 5 sibling each a share of what she owed. I didn't even mention it to her to have it in writing.

    1. Yes, yes. Kim, I have read your blog for a long time, and this is a never-ending theme. Only YOU can make the changes in your life by setting boudaries, and you simply will not do this. Your health is foremost. I am a two-time breast cancer survivor, so I know of what I speak. Let 2021 be the year in which you declare "my health and well-being come first." If those around you don't step up, then just let them fall flat. They will soon learn they can do it on their own.


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