
Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday, More baking and overwhelmed.....

 Lil sis and I baked for about 8 hours yesterday and we were both exhausted.  I am still in p.j.s and not functioning at full capacity right now.  She just informed me she has been up and made all her rice krispie wreaths and four more almond cakes.   I will attribute  that two the fact that she is 2.5 years younger than me.

Here are our spritz cookies, we had lots of laughs over these, especially when I turned around with a pan to put it in the oven and the parchment sailed off on the floor, cupboard  and stove.  We only lost two cookies!

Our Swedish sour cream cookies are ready to frost.  I am leaving mine for Tuesday when the missionaries come over on Tuesday.  They can decorate.  Yeah!

We dipped pretzel rods.  Broke them in half much easier and made more.

We also dipped pretzels and topped them with sprinkles or peppermint candies.  Mom always did these and we both decided these were too aggravating and we would not do them again.

We made two almond cakes, as I have the pans, but Lil sis can't find hers. These will be coated with powder sugar.  So delicious.  So smarty pants has knocked out four more of these this morning while I slept.

I love dipped apricots on a Christmas cookie tray.  They are so pretty and it does allow you to maybe feel good about what you are eating? I don't know I probably had 12 yesterday and my butt is dragging.

My second batch of caramels was also a fail, as these were too soft to wrap, so we mixed caramel with pecans and dipped them and these are delicious, we did not waste, but I swear this next batch.... I need a gas stove. So aggravating.  Take so long and still fails.


So today we are going to do rosettes and Krumkakke which are both aggravating and require special tools.  Also we will make Lefsa. Lil sis is due over here after we have church.

I need to get my kitchen cleaned up as I collapsed last night and it is a sty. I want to get stations set up to do the other three traditional cookies.  But I have to find the counters first. Yikes!

What kind of cookies have you made? Have you started your baking?

Have a blessed and peaceful Sabbath.  Mine will be sweet:)



  1. Oh, my, that sounds exhausting! I made cardamom bread (second batch) on Friday, and they looked perfect on the outside. On the inside, once you cut about 1/2 way in, it's clearly not baked all the way. Groan. My 14 year old doesn't care, & just eats around that part. So, I suppose that's a win? :-)

    As for today, the kids are probably making stuffed brownies, which I will happily eat. No Christmas cookies this year. I considered it, but just can't drum up any energy.

    1. This can be hard, trying to determine when bread is done. How frustrating, but obviously someone loved it.

  2. WOW! It sounds good - but that is a lot of baking. I am not that energetic these days to do that much baking. ENJOY

    1. I am just trying to share a little joy this year. Just something to bring a smile.

  3. the dipped apricots look so good, Kim. Everything does.

    1. Thanks Belinda, as i provided the butter, which I bought on sale, my sister bought the apricots which are so expensive. I think I got a good deal.

  4. I am not a cookie baker very much. I used to make pressed cookies, the kind where you use a cookie press. Then, I made chocolate peanut butter oatmeal cookies. Finally, when I went back to school in the 90s, I just make breads, cakes, and pies.

    1. But, I am impressed with your industry! It all looks delicious.

    2. I kind of love to bake. But with Hubs diet I seldom get to do it anymore.

  5. Waiting on my box of crumbs though the Pepparkakor are my fav.....

    1. Okay, you will get what you appreciate, no crumbs for you mt friend.

  6. It all looks so nice - I am very jealous. However, the last thing you talked about is the thing I will be missing the most this Christmas, and that is the lefse. The cookies are great and I would definitely sample a few, along with the dipped apricots, but I would head for the lefse first. You should be very proud of your accomplishments. You make a great team. Ranee (MN)

    1. Wish I was close I would have delivered you some lefsa which we made yesterday.

  7. You girls baked a lot! Please share your almond cake recipe. We love all things almond flavored. I normally make almond cookies for DH. I never thought to dip apricots and we always have big bags of dried apricots. Thanks for the idea Kim!

    I set one full day aside to do all my baking. Nobody must disturb me then, because I'm in the zone.

  8. I have made zero cookies for Christmas 2020 and I may not make any at all. I’m really considering buying some.
    It’s not normal for me, I started baking cookies in my early teens and have probably baked a million or more cookies in my life.
    Yours all look delicious- I like the apricots dipped in white chocolate idea.
    I’m trying to lose weight and we aren’t having a houseful of guests.

    1. I understand, It is really hard to not eat what you bake. I know becasue my jeans are tight. January will come and we will all be on our yearly diet. Blah!

  9. I am so impressed! I'm not making nearly as much as usual this year but I haven't even thought about getting started yet!

    1. Well I wanted to do a little more to cheer people as this has beena crap year for too many.

  10. Everything looks so delicious & amazing Kim & I WISH I could reach into my screen for a little taste test!!!!

    1. thank you Julie, If you could you would gain weight, you are blessed.

  11. All look great. Would you consider posting your almond cake recipe?
    What type chocolate do you use for dipping the apricot in or for the pretzels? I’m not much of a cookie maker or treats so not familiar with what is best to use.....have seen packages of “ almond bark” but not sure if that is good....also went on line and see more expensive baking chips.....or the little morsels? Don’t want overkill but want things to taste good.....thought you might share as didn’t want to waste money on crappy ingredients! Thank you! I do make good sugar coated pecans! Have them down but need to expand my “ treats”!

    1. I use the almond bark. True chocolate is hard to work with as it has to be tempered. Plus the apricot gives most of the flavor. Will post the cake recipe today.

  12. Wow! I’d be exhausted too after that marathon baking session. It must be fun to share the load with your family! I made more 5 layer7layer bars, peanut butter cups and i think that’s it. Just neighbors to share it with. In my small circle, we all decided not to pass goodies around since we’re all trying to be good over the holidays. Especially when we won’t have family near. Love the idea of the dipped apricots. I may have to try that next year. I’d love to have the almond cake recipe, too!

    1. I can understand the holiday weight gain, my pants are tight. Will post the recipe today.

  13. And Here I was patting myself on the back for the three batches I did yesterday!

    1. As you should. Three batches is a lot more than most will make plus there were two of us.

  14. I have done peanut butter and choc chip. Hubby made snickerdoodles(I baked) 36 dozen each. I still have to do sugar cookies and oatmeal (King Arthur fruit blend) AND buckeyes. BUT had to stop today to finish the tomatoes that have turned red.

  15. I just want to know who is going to eat the millions of cookies you are baking! I love to bake and will make some but you have enough that you could open a bakery form your home! I bow to your greatness in the kitchen!

    1. I will make up plates and platters, for friends and older people *snort in the church. The National guard office whose uniforms I do, police department. You know people who provide me with regular work.Clients that come buy at this time always get a plate. My oldest daughter noticed years ago that the same old men come with pants to hem every year at this time. Well it was for the cookies. They actually went out and bought pants.

  16. I can see why you are exhausted. I was too both days-it was nice sitting in my daughters car and not being the driver Saturday night. Wo will help you eat them all? I suppose with the mission work, there are lots of people to feed.
