
Friday, December 18, 2020

 Well we are about packed and ready to take off. We still have a load of things to do in town to drop off at different places. Our youngest daughter just came down to pick up a gift we forgot to take last night and I sent her home with more veggies than might have gone bad.

We will be gone until the 26-27.  Lil sis will be coming in to feed and check on the cat. the very spoiled cat I might add.

I did not get the jam made I wanted to make, but the berries are all still frown and I am taking down several jars from my stock to my mother in law and my daughter.  I will make jam in the new year.

We are surprising Hubs folks as they do not expect us until tomorrow.

I am excited to get out of dodge so to speak.  Can't wait to see my daughter and her family.  The boys are so excited to see our dog Roscoe.

I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas.  This is a tough year in so many ways.  Christmas will not be what a lot of people are used to. We have been so careful and do not plan on entering any places as we travel.  We will stop at pumps to get gas and fast food if needed.  We will distance and stay away from others.  I know Hubs mom and dad have been no where so we are safe with them.

All of our family has been exposed and some have had the virus.  Our youngest has been with her husband and baby all through their bought and has had no symptoms.  Some people are just immune. I still have fear, but not enough to keep us from going.  We will just be careful.

I hope to be able to post once I get to daughters, but who knows if I will be able to get through, all the pass words and crap.  Do any of you have problems posting when you travel?

Take care of yourselves, eat lots of cookies, drink lots of spirits and remember, we are all in this together and next year will be better.  I know it will.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.





  1. Have a wonderful trip, enjoy everyone and have a Merry Christmas!

  2. Wishing you a very happy & healthy & safe festive season Kim - spent with the ones you love. Take care my friend - I always look forward to your posts & feel as though we have become friends - even cyberspace ones will do. xx

  3. I hope you have a wonderful and safe trip, Kim. Safe travels and Merry Christmas.

  4. Merry Christmas!! Safe travels! I hope you have a wonderful time with family. Wishing your hubby a very happy birthday too.

  5. have a wonderful f=trip and stay safe and healthy. We are all on this ride together and a positive attitude can conquer mountains.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  6. Merry Christmas from northern Ireland
    Sylvia xx

  7. I like being home and with my laptop, at least have my laptop if out of pocket. It is just so annoying to have to deal with using the internet if gone from here or using another machine! Have fun.

  8. Hope you have a wonderful trip ❤️

  9. God Bless Kim, and a Happy Healthy New Year to you and your family.
    J.P. in the UK

  10. Have a Wonderful trip!! Soon 2020 will be over.

  11. Have a great trip. Merry Christmas.

    God bless.
