
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Wednesday, just putzing around


Daughter slept in yesterday and it was nice for her She works very hard at a job that is very stressful.  We started out making caramels and the first batch she forgot to put the sugar in.  It was so funny.  Te sugar container was out, but I think there was to much distraction.  We had a good laugh.  We then made two more batches. My youngest grandson helped be put caramels into bags for Daughter office staff.

     I made fried chicken again for my son in law.  He loves my fried chicken. Daughter wanted to order out tonight, but we have left over meat balls and spag and chicken and potatoes so I declared we needed to do a mustgo night.  We will clean out the fridge in prep for the Christmas eve and Christmas day meals and everything mustgo.  Save some money and don't waste.

     Daughter and her husband have much more money than we ever had, but are both what I would call reasonable with their resources. Daughter balks against my frugality at times.  I think just growing up in a home where finances were always an issue made her less likely to scrimp. But I must say she is very generous with others.

     Hubs mom called yesterday and said that hubs sister and her husband that live in Ashton will be there Christmas afternoon, so we have two more for our dinner and that will be nice. Ashton is about 15 miles from the entrance (Idaho) of west Yellowstone.  They have a lot of snow there. It will be nice to see them. I am hoping she will help me make up some meals for mom.

     Today I am going to do some deep cleaning for daughter, and also go to a few stores, just for fun. Tonight we will go get the seafood she ordered.  I saved my 10% off coupon from my flue shot for this trip as I knew it would be expensive. 

     Yesterday was too windy and cold to walk, but I am hoping to get out today sometime.  It is so nice to be someplace where I don't feel I have to have an agenda all the time.  Just do what I want at a pace I want.  I think daughter has some mending for me, this evening.

     I am really hoping we can come back here in March for a while if Covid co operates.  I miss seeing my kids on a regular basis.

     Any of you have last minute things for Christmas?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. This whole month has seemed last minute...and not just for Christmas. May you have a wonderful warm loving gathering!

  2. Sounds like you are having fun. Warm today - but chill coming overnight and going from 50's today to 20's tomorrow. Delivered gifts at my brothers for all of his family - 2 have been exposed so no get together till later. I wanted them to have their gifts for Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. It has been warm enough here to take long walks 3 of the 4 days. Both our youngest daughters are in quarantine also.

  3. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time!!!!!Upper 60’s here today. Supposed to turn really cold (for here) and actually be in 40’s Christmas Day and in the 20’s at night...yuk!!! May even have a tad of snow where my oldest son lives in the northern part of the state ( but I hear it will not stick)...I am off today cooking! Will deliver very simple presents and food to the two kids and other relatives who live a little over an hour north of me tomorrow, to their front porches. I plan to stay home and sleep in Christmas Day, then go see my oldest on his birthday next week. We may wave at each other from six feet but at least I will see him and know he is ok. I usually take time off this time of year. Daughter will call me from Utah and let me talk to grandchild!!!!Merry Christmas!!!

    1. Our oldest just got home after arraignments, we are getting our feast ready. Have a Merry Christmas my friend.

  4. As time goes along, your daughter will probably become more frugal. Or, she will hold steady with her previous level of spending and not increase her spending as she makes more money. It is supposed to rain most of Christmas Eve, so we will probably stay in. I went to three stores and forgot it each time. Well, I did not forget as it was not even on my radar. Have fun with the family. I wish I were present for home-fried chicken.

    1. Well between her and her husbands they will be millionaires by the time they retire.

  5. I put off making some more squares and instead stripped the beds and got everything nice and clean. Tomorrow will be the last minute square making, and perhaps a trip to pick up some adult beverages.

    Then it will just be pulling out a frozen lasagna, making a salad and garlic bread for our Christmas Eve supper.

    God bless.

    1. Sounds wonderful Jackie. I am having such a great relaxing time.

  6. I had a must go day and 1/2, but it’s just not good to waste, having money or not. You deserve some time to not be on call, though you still seem so busy.

    1. It is very nice not to feel like you have to be doing something every minute. I like to stay busy but to not have to is great!

  7. It was really chilly yesterday (although, gorgeous). I almost fell on my run (icy/slippery), so decided to head down to the beach for a leisurely walk instead.

    I get all twitchy about food waste, so my family knows better than to ask for takeout when there are leftovers. ;-)

    1. I like your twitchy. I think my son in law must be the same. He was so happy last night when we pulled everything out of the fridge and said "Who wants what?" I would be very careful on the ice. I only took one bad fall running and that was because I caught my toe on a small ledge. It took forever to stop. I just kept thinking when I get to my knees, I will stop, then my hands, then rolled onto my elbow, nope then my hip then the shoulder finally slid into a bridge barricade with my neck and that finally stopped me. I rolled over onto my back, my daughter thought I had a stroke. But we were 1/2 way through 5 miles so I had to get up and continue or go back. I was dried blood when we ended. My knees were blown out, my palms were bloody, my elbow was ripped and my shoulder was skinned. I was a mess. I still look at that spot with contempt every time I walk the bridges.
