
Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Wednesday, Quilt #1 finished


Here it is in all it's glory.  One done and hopefully two more to go.  I have no reason not to complete them as I have the materials and I am not that busy in the shop.  Although today I have to get uniforms done and a pair of jeans hemmed. That is my quota.  Yesterday it was to get a wedding dress altered and bustled.  I can't believe that I am having to make myself sew.  This covid has really ruined my mojo in some ways.  Will I ever get it back?

We went to the church last night and helped put together boxes of something not sure what?  Lots of wrapping of odd items.  It was nice to see people, but I was afraid there were too many and too close.  We all had masks and tried to stay apart as much as possible.  I think many of us just miss the social interaction so much.  It is hard.

My Lil sis ordered me this sign as an early Christmas gift.  We no longer have a fireplace to hang stockings, although I had them hanging below the TV cabinet, but Hubs attached it and I think it is such a nice early Christmas gift.

These were $1.48 a lb which I think is a good price for chicken breasts.  This package contains 6 breasts.  Hubs and I can split one for a meal.Two of these will be made into strips and fried for taco salads. I will bake the other four for later and either refreeze or use in the next couple of days.

We love to cut breasts in slices and roll in egg and panko and fry in butter.  I mash some potatoes, and make gravy and add a vegetable.  You can do this in the time it takes the potatoes to cook. If you have a family use one breast for two servings. You should get 4 good slices or strips out of 1/2 a breast.  These are delicious  reheated in the microwave.

There are some good buys in the paper today so I am going to go out later and pick up a few loss leaders. I also need to check on Lil sis.  She was just starting to feel better late yesterday. Poor darling.

Well if I can get through, some housework, my sewing quota, and a little shopping, I might just whip up a batch of some kind of Christmas cookie.... Hmmm....

Have any of you started you Christmas baking?  What do you do with the things in order to store them and keep from eating everything that comes out of the oven?  My mother used to put all her cookies in containers and put them on the stairs going up to our bedrooms.  It was a rule that if something was placed on the side of the staircase you carried it up to the respective room.  Of course none of us ever did. We just tripped and fell over it numerous times.  Mom said the safest place to store containers of cookies was on the stairs.  We never touched them.  True story, we truly never figured this out.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I made cardamom bread last weekend, and Sam ate one entire loaf (I had a slice) & I froze the other loaf. I may make a second batch this weekend. I use candied fruit in it, & they are crazy hard to find right now. I paid an arm & a leg for two containers & had to order via Amazon.

    1. I love cardamom, it reminds me of Christmas. I would have eaten a whole loaf and you would have had to hide the other.

  2. So funny about the cookies on the I only make no bake cookies, those chocolate, oatmeal, peanut butter things and since a grandchild is allergic to peanut butter, I have not made them in a while. I think you can make them without peanut butter but I have not attempted to yet. She is also allergic to eggs, so I used that Bob Red Mill egg substitute in my Thanksgiving baking to see if it would work. I could not tell any difference. I do not have real refined taste buds though. Still, it is good to know that it will be ok for me to use the egg substitute in my cooking when she is able to visit. I have bought some vegan mayo to try. I have never tasted it before, so we shall see if it tastes ok in my few recipes, and sandwiches. The quilt is amazing! My grandma could quilt well. Sadly, I do not know how. I hope to attempt to learn when I retire.

    1. I love those oatmeal things. If I make them I eat the whole batch, no self control here.

  3. I’ve made cinnamon rolls, gingerbread cookies, zucchini brownies, 5 layer 7 layer bars, and dipped marshmallows and pretzels in white and dark chocolate. I also pulled double chocolate banana muffins and apple butter bars from the freezer to send around the neighborhood. That’s the only way i can bake. I must share it! I’d like to make some peanut butter cups and peppermint patties. I put everything downstairs in the basement where it’s a lot cooler, un insulated. Otherwise, i’d be big as a house!
    You’re still busy even when you don’t cook all day! I may have to try your recipe for the chicken breasts. My husband would love it!

    1. Me too I love sweets and easily eat just cookies all day and well a diet coke....

  4. Cookies freeze beautifully. Just put them in containers and freeze. They thaw out fast too.
    I’m not going to be doing much Christmas baking. Hubby and I are trying to slim down some and without a big family gathering, there is no need for a bunch of sweets this year.

    Your new stocking holder sign is very nice ❤️

    1. Thanks, I have to be careful this year as Hubs has lost 40 lbs and want to keep it off.

  5. No baking here. I might do a Mexican wedding cookie(because I have a ton of pecans)and carrot cake(because I LOVE it but no frosting). But I have to wait a few days since I got the shingles booster on Monday and my left arm is totally useless right now.
    The stocking holder/sign is lovely.

    1. Oh Slug I need to get my second on but the first kicked my butt so bad.

  6. What kind of batting do you use--polyester or cotton? Do you leave the tied strings long?

    1. Yes I leave the strings, and I use a cotton thin batting.

  7. Love the quilt, and your stocking holder sign is so cute. Hope your sis feels better.
    No baking here yet. Hubby wants those date nut fingers things, and I'll make some gingerbread cookies and pecan tassies. No big family gatherings this year.

    1. Well I just feel the need to send around some cookie plates to people I know are shut in, plus I just want cookies. I would love to have a recipe for date nut fingers.

  8. Replies
    1. Oops did it wrong, both you and I need a head exam....

  9. For this a head exam will be needed.
