
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Thursday, Anne was right!

      Anne in the Kitchen was right, I would get busy soon enough and have more to do than I could handle.  How did she know?  Because it happens every year at this time?  Because she has listened to me whine way too long? Because she is an old smarty pants that's why.  I got bombed today.

     I have 9 wedding dresses in the shop and at least 3 more coming in the next week that I know of.  So I spent the day hand sewing and I have 2 wedding dresses done and due for pick up today, possibly three for today, but I have to finish pressing one and I need to add a bustling hook.

     Plus I had a client from India that brought in a huge bag of alterations, then another pile came in and another.  I have enough to keep me going for awhile.  This is so nice and I hope Anne continues to be right.  She has just worked so hard moving things out of her cabin she can't stand, that I am not busy.  Bless her heart. (Sluggy that was for you)

I gave the old fridge a deep clean and cleaned the whole kitchen nicely.  I mean I Kim cleaned. It has been hubby cleaned for a while.  What I found out cleaning the fridge is that, we are out of food.  Well not meat, spuds, or canned goods and storage items, but almost all fresh foods.  If we were unable to get to a store we could still eat well for quite a while, but I did go grocery shopping and got fresh things.  What I tried to do was empty the crispers.  SO I was down to 5 bulbs of garlic,a few stalks of wilted celery,one head of romaine lettuce, two wilted green peppers, about 4 carrots. That is it.  I could have whipped up a salad with the romaine and a shredded carrot.  The fridge was very empty.

    So, it was a large haul of veggies.  we bought, carrots,tomatoes, avocados,asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli,three colored peppers,celery,radishes, green onions, More romaine, and some broccoli slaw.  The cauliflower, broccoli peppers,and asparagus were at really good prices.  We still spent close to $60.00 groceries are getting so expensive. Our dogs food also went up over $4.00 last month.  Crazy prices.

Then we were out of tortillas, and sliced cheese, sour creme, cottage cheese, salsa, and we were low on eggs.  Also bought hubs some pickled herring, and myself a box of crackers.  But no meat or other food stuffs. This should last us the next couple of weeks.  I am going to continue my grocery challenge until the 8th of March as I was gone for 8 days this month.  Since I only try to spend less than $60.00 a week on our groceries, I think with the food prices going up it is going to be hard to stock up in the future without going over my budget.

Thrifty Thursday:

1. put all my change in my pig bank

2. saved all my $5.00 bills now at $420.00

3. saved my $1,$5,$10,$20  challenge

4. filled two more envelopes in my 100 envelope challenge

5. Used a coupon at Jo anns

6. Found money this week, $20.00 and a penny

7. made all meals from scratch out of the freezer and what we had on hand

8. got a refund from over payment at the clinic. $10.00

9. uploaded all my receipts to fetch

10. Stayed within my grocer budget and spent what I would have spent for one week, when we have not bought groceries for three weeks. SO the challenge is working, but it is a challenge.

What have you done to save money this last week?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




  1. Glad to hear work is coming in to your shop.

  2. Great news about the increase in work. I bet soon you'll be begging for mercy! ;-)

  3. Wow-you did go 0 to 75 in a blink. I often find Anne right about things. Best of luck.

  4. Hahahaha you forget, I know what Bless her heart really means!

    1. Alos the wedding dress thing was inevitable. Brides come out of the woodwork looking for a miracle worker and price is not the object!

    2. Yeah, Anne, we are Southerners, we definitely know what it

    3. I know Sluggy told me what it means and she says it to me all the time.

    4. Sluggy told me the meaning and then she says it to me all the time.

  5. I actually got to walk at lunch 30 min. for two days this week because no court on those days. It was 80 degrees down here today! I ate canned rutabagas, asparagus, green beans, and frozen broccoli today with ranch dressing and cornbread. The grocery prices are outrageous. While I have a years supply of dried red beans (well, probably two years supply for one person because I have 120 lbs, and I think the LDS food storage site says 60 lbs per person per year), I only have a few months of rice, cornmeal, pasta, canned vegetables because I have been eating my storage. I only have fresh carrots and potatoes, everything rlse is canned or frozen. I need more Diet Mt Dew and I cannot find it!!!!!!! I also need eggs, chocolate, and sour cream and always cheese slices.

    1. Oh no! What are you going to do. I would be running around thinking I am in hell if I could not find diet coke!
