
Sunday, March 14, 2021

Monday, New week, new plan

 I used to dread Mondays when I was coaching and getting up at 5 a.m. but now I like Mondays.  IT is like a whole new start.

This Sunday was warm and beautiful.  It was up to 67 here, really warm.  I had on my usual turtleneck and down vest, and corduroys and I was too warm.

After we listened to conference we rushed up to look at a house with kids. Then we ran back down to Lil sis's to make sure all was well with the sandwiches.  She did great, just like I told her she would.

Hubs came home and quickly made missionary appointments to looks at the apartments in our outlying areas. We took off on the 5 hour loop and hit all three places.  I told hubs he had to drive as I was going to sleep.  I was able to get in a long nap and it was lovely.

We stopped by Lil sis's on the way into town to eat leftovers so I did not have to cook.  As we had Stake conference here for our church all the missionaries in our area had meetings in town.  We had 6 out of town elders come by and eat the rest of our pumpkin pie with ice cream.  Nice to get it out of the house or hubs and I would have eaten all of it.

I hope I am not as tired this week as  I was last week.  But I am going to take your suggestions, and just rest more.   Although yesterday, even though we were busy I did not feel that bone crushing weariness I had felt the last few days.

We will see what the week brings.  Hopefully it will be good!

Do any of you have plans for this week?  I would like to get my seedling started that is for sure.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.  



  1. First, I have to dig the seeds out of my gardening things in one of the bedrooms. Cooking enough chicken to last a week is on my list, as is making that poke cake. If the woman comes to clean, I will send most of it home to her family. I might even make it in small aluminum pans like for brownies. Otherwise, we will eat it. Chicken, seeds, cake...sounds about right.

  2. Glad you're feeling a bit better and had an enjoyable Sunday. It was hard to get up at 5am this morning with the DST change. Enjoy your Monday.

    1. I feel for you. I coached for years and had to get up at 5. I am NOT a morning person and it almost killed me. Literally, I finally realized that it was killing me and quit.

  3. Nothing special going on this week just the usual.

    67 degrees is the perfect temperature to me. I wish it would stay that way more often.

    1. I actually love the heat and can't wait for the warm weather, but I realize I am a little weird that way.

  4. So glad you got a nap in! I did as well yesterday afternoon.SOunds as if your weather was nice! Listen to your body, my friend. If you are tired, snuggle in for a nap. Hugs!

    1. Well I do, so I find myself napping a lot, and I don't care and I am not going to feel bad about it. RA is exhausting, that is the #1 symptom. Then the meds #1 symptom is exhaustion so you get a double whammy.

  5. both of us napped through Sunday. This week it's plan the gardens and pick up what we can to get that started. Pay the bills. And maybe put canned goods I brought up before surgery back down to the basement. Meantime I am freezing

    1. I am sorry you are cold. I hate being cold. Do you have a small heater or an electric blanket, or how about getting one of those dogs to lay on you?

  6. I am glad you are feeling better and had a restful Sunday even though it seems to me you were still going a million miles an hour.
    This week I have got to get some sort of order to the basement. There is still a lot( an insane amount) of clutter that needs to be tended to, and I am the nominated tender.

    1. What a lovely nomination, I think I would try to nominate someone else.

  7. I am very glad to read that your Sunday was restful. I was worried about you.

    Today I went shopping with Harvey and it took everything out of me. I did a tiny bit of housework (the rest of what I planned to do today will be scattered throughout the week), and lazed the rest of this rather overcast day away.

    The rest of the week will be cross stitching, cutting out some more masks and doing some knitting in the evening. I have so much of the yarn I made the prayer shawls with that I thought I would knit a couple of evening ponchos from what was left.

    God bless.

    1. I love that yarn it is so pretty. Yes getting out and shopping after surgery probably wore you out. I did better today but took a nap this evening and that is okay.
