
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Wednesday, Happy BIrthday to my Twin sister!

 Finally completed chart #3 and onto # 4.  So far this has been a very slow, slow start to the year. But I do feel that I will make it as far as getting my bill for the month paid.  Again nothing paid extra on the house so that is a disappointment. But I have to be patient those days will come.

Slugs called me today for my birthday and it was nice to visit with her.  I plan on going back east sometime the end of April or first part of May. Sissie and I will get together with her.  So fun. By the way Happy birthday Sissie!  You are still older than me.

The girls and my sister are coming over tonight, for dinner and cake.  Yippy another meal I do not have to cook.  We area grilling meat (brats, chicken and steak bites). I will do a large skillet of fried cabbage.

Daughter will be down early with the babies so I had better get my sewing done in the morning as not much else will get done in the afternoon, but enjoying the grand kids. 

I did get 4 bridesmaid dresses done yesterday and I would like to get a couple of piles and at least 3 more dresses done today before the babies arrive. 

Hubs has the roof on the chicken run, but still need to reinforce it some.  I can't beleive that we will be leaving in a couple of days and then it will be the end of the month.  Where did March go?

I will have to get  a lot of book work done early before I leave so all the bills can be paid and I don't have to worry about that while we are gone. Then part of me says, "Why am I doing this?"  Oh yeah because Hubs parents need checked on and my daughter needs a sitter.  Really because I want to see my grandsons and my daughter.  Kids grow up too fast and I want to spend every minute I can with them. Financially these trips are not great for the bottom line, but then again priorities.  Family a big priority.  YE bills ye shall always have with you.

Do any of you put your family before most other things?  I mean if we were flat broke and behind I certainly would not be leaving for a week.  But we are not and this lock down is so long, getting out of here is a treat!

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Happy birthday!!'! Yes! I only travel far away to see my grandchild because it is hard to get away from work, and what limited time off I have, I will spend with her. It has been over a year since I have seen her because of Covid!!!!

    1. I know it is very hard for my daughter to get time off, and once this opens off it will get worse!

  2. How far is the daughter and grandchildren from you? How many miles?

    1. It is about an 8.5 hour drive, realize that we have very few good highways in Idaho, so we goat trail about 5.5 hours and then hit interstate for the last 2.5.

  3. Happy Birthday. Have a fantastic day!

  4. Happiest of birthday wishes!! Hope you have a great day!
    Safe travels and hope you have a wonderful visit with family.

  5. Happy Birthday, and your dinner sounds terrific.

  6. Well, no. When you're a Registered Nurse working full time in the OR, you don't get to put family first. You work your schedule plus the assigned call-time. I missed nearly every family event my first 12 years working in the OR. Only in case of true emergency did I get away.

    1. I can imagine your life is very hectic. But thank goodness for people like you. My daughter is a senior prosecutor and gets very little time off, she is also on call 24/7 a lot.

  7. Happy birthday twins.

    We used to live real close when the grandkids were growing up so money didn't come in to factor. Now with the great grandkids... They wouldn't know who we are. Been a year and they were so little. My ex son in law sends pics of that side as he is the only one that thinks to take pics. The kids all worry about covid. They have lost friends their age to this illness.

    1. Thank you. I am so happy Hubs and I are vaccinated, it does take some of the pressure off.

  8. Happy Birthday to you and your sister, Kim. I did not know you had a twin, how neat! Also, congratulations on completing chart #3. Way to go!

    1. thanks Belinda. It is hard to save or earn any money since coid, so I am grateful for every cent.

  9. Happy birthday to your twin and to her twin also!
    I hope you have a most wonderful day and a fabulous meal with your family!

  10. Happy Birthday Kim & Sissie. Hope you both have a wonderful day!

    I'm so itching to go back East again. You & Sluggy were at Rehoboth Beach (2019) just a month after we were there. It's one of our favorite places to vacation.

    Don't worry about business. It will pick for you soon. Enjoy your time with your family. There is nothing more important or precious.

    1. Well if you are out there we will have to have you join us if we get to the beach.

  11. Happy Birthday!! Good job on making progress during slow times!

    1. It is like pulling hen's teeth but I am trying. Thank you.

  12. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
    Enjoy it all.
    You deserve it!!!

  13. Happy Birthday! My twin nieces are celebrating their 28th birthday today as well!

  14. Happy Birthday.

    Enjoy the meal that you don't have to cook.

    God bless.
