
Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday, I am so sore!

  I really over did it in the yard yesterday, but boy did it feel good to be out in the warm sunshine.  Hubs and I did the soil in the 100 foot bed.  It about killed both of us.

First I had to pull all the grass off the edges that had grown in as I knew Hubs tiller would not get that.  Then hubs and I screened all the dirt the whole length.  Hubs had picked up several loads of free dirt but it had a lot of rock in it.  But free is free.  So after we screen it, which was backbreaking we laid a layer of perlight and the manure.  I had hubs till this, then we added a layer, of peat moss and then miracle grow garden soil.  All total about 14 bags of different soils and additives then hubs tilled it again.  I was an all day project.

I was filthy, and  I laughed at hubs as we ran back and forth to garden centers getting dirtier and dirtier.  I looked such a fright Hubs said we could not go to Walmart as my picture would appear in one of those facebook sites about strange things you see at Walmart.  But he must love me because he was seen with me.

Our last stop was the grocery store for a few things to complete today's meal.  Then I attacked the house.  I was not getting in the tub until most of this house was clean and it had not had a good clean since before we left for our daughters.  I did leave the floor mopping for today.  Then I took a long soak in the tub.  I knew I had over done it as I had terrible night sweats all night and did not sleep much.  My arthritis flairs.

We had church at home and then Hubs ran over to play for the primary.  We are at 1/2 capacity now and it was not our week, but hubs still has to go in to play/  While he was gone I did more housework.  I still have not put on clothes still in my pjs.  

We are having 6 missionaries over for grilled steaks.  They called and a few of them are getting transferred so they wanted to eat with us one more time. We are having steak, baked potatoes, grilled cauliflower, acini d pepe  fruit salad, broccoli slaw and smores for dessert.  We are going to eat out on the deck.

I have to show you this picture of Kelsa.  She has started to army crawl and she is fast.  Daughter left the room to go down the hall to the bathroom. Kelsa took off after her and this is what daughter soon saw. Remember when you could never even go to the bathroom to get away from your kids?

I am very stiff and sore and getting more stiff by the minute.  Just sitting here typing I can tell. I need to get up and move. Hubs just went over to mow the elderly lady next stores yard.  Her flower beds are atrocious.  I think I am going to have to spend some time over there.  She has recently had both knees replaced( in the last year) and really has not recovered well.  I see us doing a great deal of yard work over there. I love yard work, but I am not doing any of it today.

Have a restful and peaceful Sabbath



  1. Wow, you sure were busy yesterday. I hope your stiffness disappears as the day progresses.

    Love the little hand under the door, I remember those days very clearly. Actually now miss them immensely.

    God bless.

    1. Hubs and I have laughed and laughed about that hand.

  2. It must have been ten years before my going to the bathroom did not create a crisis!

  3. So cute! Then years later they’re in the bathroom forever!! (Grandma to 8 teenagers!!)

    1. I know! Thank goodness my girls had their own bathroom.

  4. So cute! Then years later they’re in the bathroom forever!! (Grandma to 8 teenagers!!)

  5. So cute! Then years later they’re in the bathroom forever!! (Grandma to 8 teenagers!!)

  6. I love the little hand!
    I would act surprised that you overdid, but that seems to be your regular m.o. Maybe consider taking Monday as a recovery day.

    1. I try to take it easier but the warm sun was just too much.

  7. Such a cute picture! It seems yard work takes longer and longer each year.

  8. Oh Kim! Dare I say rest up? I know that won't happen. I am a much more selfish person than you are. If the missionaries wanted one more meal with me, I'd have asked them what time should I come and what are you making. I know it doesn't work like that. Cute little hand.

    1. Well I would have to eat what they made and I am not so sure I would want to...

  9. if one of the kids are here or I'm at their house they will be right outside the door. SO I guess improvement.

    1. Isn't it funny haw going into a bathroom and shutting a door is just motivation for the kids to come running.

  10. I learned that if I wanted privacy in the bathroom when I had littles about, I had to leave the door open. I found those days very challenging.
