
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Wednesday, Feeling better

 I was proactive last night and took two ALEVE RIGHT BEFORE I WENT TO BED AND I GOT A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP.!!!!!!  Thank goodness I was about at my wits end.  I think my mental state was more about that the last time this flared up this bad it lasted for several months and I was just not looking forward to that.

By the way overworking in the yard had nothing to do with this condition.  It happened once when we were at the beach on vacation.  I was just sitting in the sun and the shoulder felt like it dropped and I was in excruciating pain ended up in the emergency room. I was doing absolutely nothing.

I was able to get so much done yesterday in the shop and even laid down for about and hour and took a rest.  My roast was lovely and sure appreciated by the older couple. I also had to run dinner over to Hubs at the High School as He was supervising a jr high play.

Lil sis came over last night to sew together a baby quilt and while she did that we had a nice visit and I was able to cut and surge 4 prom dresses that I will hem today after this post.  Then I have at least two more I want to get done today and I must get to that wedding dress that I have been avoiding.

The weather is beautiful here and hubs stopped and picked a bucket full of wild alfalfa that I just fed to the chickens.  They love it.  I hope to get out in the yard a little today just to soak up some sunshine.  I took pork chops out for dinner and I have two more artichokes to cook up along with a salad.

Found out that our wash machine is not leaking but the old hoses behind it.  SO a thirty dollar fix and for that I am grateful.

Daughter just called, she is in town and wants to know if we want the baby?  Of course Hubs says yes and then he will try and put her down for a nap and he will fall asleep and I will get the baby.  At least that is what has happened the last two times.  :) These babies can pout their grandfather to sleep in no time.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are int the negative.



  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better. YAY on just a hose and not the washer. Whew you lucked out there.
    Enjoy that babes!

  2. Kim,
    I am always so grateful and feel so lucky to have an easy and cheap fix for a potentially expensive project.

  3. Glad you got a good nights sleep and are feeling better!

  4. A good night's sleep is a cure for many things! Similarly, I slept well for the first time in a long time. I had a very stressful work situation I'd been dreading, and was able to kick it off yesterday. While it's not "done", it was very good to rip the band aid off, and I know that's why I slept better.

    1. Don't you hate that when you know that you have to do something and you make it so much bigger in your head.

  5. So glad to read you're feeling better! Chronic pain is no fun. Both myself and my husband live it daily along with sleep deprivation which just makes everything feel even worse.. Enjoy the babies!

    1. I think unless you live with chronic pain you never truly understand it.

  6. Oh good news on both the feeling better, and a less expensive fix on the washer. I am resuming the sleep apnea solution on Friday and seeing if m referral for the mouth guard is still valid.

    1. I know. I hope you get your sleep situation gets worked out.

  7. Not knowing hw long any of these tasks take, I would charge no less than twice yoru regular rate. Let's hope the bride doesn't need a rush job again!
