
Friday, June 18, 2021

Friday, Not going as planned, make you bed!

 Not my house, but how nice if it was...

   Loved Rhitter's post today about making your bed to be more productive.  In fact as I sat here reading blogs in my cloffice I noticed that the bed was unmade.  The new lamp shades that I bought 3 weeks ago were still not on the lamps, the tables were dusty and the trash cans were full.  Everyday I come into this room and ignore these things, as I hurry to the tasks I think are more important. Like wasting 25 minutes on youtube watching sheep farming.

  So while I was watching the video( Rhitter's not sheep farming) she put in her blog, I quickly made the bed, changed the pillow slips for new, and replaced lamp shades, dusted and emptied trash.  I am back to typing and this took less than 5 minutes. I feel so much better.  There is also a method to my madness.

D#2 came home from a camping trip with two sick kids. Both Schmills and Kelsa have bad colds again.  Remember those years when you littles went from one cold to the next?  Anyway Daughter thinks she tore her rotater cuff two weeks ago while tubing behind the boat.  She has been to the doctor twice and no difference on the pain.  SO hubs was to go up and watch the kids late this afternoon so she could go back to doctor.  Well she called this morning and said that Schmill had come into their bedroom last night and threw up all over the bed, and Kelsa coughed and cried most of the night.  Nate got no sleep and had to go to a twelve hour shift.  She was exhausted.  So Hubs just left to drive up and get the kids, she will come down and spend the night here.  This way Nate can come home and sleep before his next shift and she can get some rest.  Which means we will get no sleep. You see how that works don't you?  But Hubs and I can split shifts.  I thought she should have a nice clean room to come into and now I am trying to figure out how I am going to get my sewing done.

I had a bride here this morning and I have to do a little more to her dress which she will pick up this afternoon.  I also have another wedding dress to fix that will be picked up tomorrow. Plus I did not get to attack the piles yesterday. Although I did sew hard for several hours. 

So my plan today is to quickly and efficiently  go into each room in my house and spend 15 minutes just getting things done and some rooms won't even take 15 minutes. I know this will make me feel better and I will be able to sew with a good conscience.  See how much reading blogs can help?  We have a such a great community to draw inspiration from.

I am missing my Sissie dreadfully today and my heart is with My Slugster, I wish we could just get together and have a good laugh or a good cry.

Well I am off to set the world on fire after I watch a vlog about sheep.....:)

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I had to be at Mom's at 7 this morning, just got home, and did not get my bed Made before I left. Crap! Now I have to go do it before I do one more thing!

  2. It would take me 30 minutes and lots of pain and exhaustion which would lead to my taking a rest and getting back into the bed and probably

  3. The 15 minute plan really works. I can get so much done in just a bit of time.

    1. I know I try to implement that when I have a case of the lazies.

  4. You inspired me. My toilets need scrubbing. Who am I kidding? My bathrooms need scrubbing! I am going to grab the scrub brush and get busy. Hugs from stormy PA!

  5. My rule is the last one out of the bed makes it.... That's been Harvey ever since he retired. Once he has made the bed, I go in once or twice a week, dust it all down and empty garbage bins. My day is then complete.

    Nothing like a nice clean house and 15 minutes or less in a room does wonders.

    God bless.

    1. Yes it is amazing how little time it takes to get things ship shape. we just make it a monster in our heads.

  6. It's funny how tasks take so much less time than they do in our heads. In reality I can scrub the bathroom top to bottom in less than 30 minutes but in my mind it will take hours. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.

    1. I know I just said that in the last comment. It is all in our heads.

  7. Agree with Lori! I agonize about when I am going to vacuum, work myself into a tizzy. Finally get the vacuum and it is all done in 15 minutes. I spent more time agonizing over it than doing it. Unbelievable! I set aside mondays as housecleaning days so I have two more days ;)

    1. UHM JUST SO YOU KNOW IT IS MOnday. SO need a report.....

  8. Thanks for the love Kim! I've been doing the bare minimum when I was in school, but this weekend I am dedicating it to a deep clean. I've made my list, and away I go.

  9. It surprises me how little time some tasks take that end up making me feel better like a made up bed. I have been making a to do list and crossing items off when I get them done. it's been helping me get things done.

    I hope your daughter's rotary cuff heals quickly. They can take a while to heal to where there is no pain.

  10. That is a beautiful bedroom. Mine does not look like Cindy in the South

  11. My hubs makes the bed-even if the rest of the room is in chaos, like always, it at least feels calming to go to bed in a made bed. I hope the little ones and your daughters recuperate and you can get some rest.


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