
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Tuesday, Kim's day off, really!

 Well I had wonderful plans for yesterday and I talked to Sissie when she called and she was accusing me of napping all day or the potential to nap all day and of course I denied it.

After I blogged I went into my shop which is such a disaster and turned around and went outside and picked up two particular weeds that are overtaking the rockery and then hot footed it to the farm store with weeds in hand. I knew one of them was spurge but I wanted them to see what I wanted to kill.

I bought $40.00 worth of product and came home and sprayed for a couple of hours.  It was 94 and lovely.  By the way all the weeds look like they are on their way out this morning so I was right Hub's is not mixing his spray correctly, or it is past its effectiveness. Then I came in the house and I binge watched Downton Abby.  I actually laid on the bed (no I did not nap) and I watched TV and did nothing and it was lovely.  Don't know when the last time was that I wasted that much time doing nothing.

I did get in another wedding dress and another bridesmaid dress and the shop has been busy all day, and I am going to get in there and I am not leaving until I have gotten rid of many, many piles. Several dresses are due out this Friday and now I think I have 4 wedding dresses that need to go out. I will probably regret my lazy day by Thursday, but boy was it nice.

SO here is my list, maybe if I make a list I will convince myself to do something?  ANYTHING besides eat oreos?

1. mend three pair missionary pants

2. alter 4 pair of missionary pants

3. hem a pair of jeans

4. hem a pair of jeans

5. patch a pair of jeans

6. hem a pair of camo pants

7. hem two jeans

8. fix pocket on 3 pants

9. hem shirt and mend pillow case

10. hem jeans

11. alter red dress

12. replace elastic in 4 skirts

13. hem at least two bridesmaid dresses

14. rip 2 wedding dress one for try on tomorrow Got one done

15. hem three pairs ladies dress pants

Okay I think that is enough, long list but many items are fast jobs so let's see what Kim can knock out shall we?

Still need to sit down and write out checks, and I will not allow myself to watch anymore TV until that is done.

Do any of you procrastinate?  What do you procrastinate the most?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. So what if you did nap? Once you are on the bed you are not going to be productive anyway, so nap. I procrastinate everything. So, there!

  2. This is neither wasted time nor was it doing nothing. This was therapeutic "take care of Kim" time. Much deserved, I might add.

  3. Sometimes you just need some "me" time. You did great on that list I see.

    God bless.

    1. NOW I have to finish the other half of the list.

  4. Anything you do that you want to do is perfectly legal for these 4 days!
    I took a little catnap today and though it was unintentional, it was glorious. I woke at four a.m. and started thinking about a horrific wreck in Alabama and could not go back to sleep. Those few minutes of eyes closed and brain turned off were just what I needed to get through a dinner out tonight.

  5. We all need those little breaks. When we were in Hawaii last week, I took a nap for the first time in...years? It was amazing. I definitely needed it.

    I procrastinate on tasks that I don't know immediately how to solve. Be it work or home, anything that doesn't have a clear path forward, I put off. Guess what? They don't get easier over time. ;-)

    1. Well I do eventually get to things, but I am a talented procrastinator.

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  7. I'll admit, I will procrastinate on some tasks, but it really depends on what the task is for. I did some at school, but normally, I'm pretty structured.
