
Thursday, August 12, 2021

Thursday, another chart, Thrifty Thursday

 Another chart bites the dust, which makes me ahead of every other year that I have used these. I don't know if this trend will continue as I am going to be gone for the next two weeks with no sewing.  I do know I will have plenty of people waiting for me when I get back, but the shop although there are projects in there is pretty darn empty. So I am onto chart 18 and that is the completion of the 9th month.  Who knows what the future will bring. This has been a bang up bridal season and my busiest month in the past before COVID has been October!

I sewed until 6:30 last night as many of the things I wanted to get done were much harder than I thought they would be. I just persevered.  I was determined to be done! The last bridal dress was just picked up and I only have one small costuming job to finish.  I hope it goes easy. I actually got a skirt of mine lengthened this morning and I am going to hem a pair of long shorts for hubby from a pair of pants that shrunk.  Looky me! Getting things done for myself. The costume I forgot was coming in this week but it is pretty minor.  SO I have three more pick ups and I am done.

I have a specialist appointment today at 1:00 and I am hoping he can wrangle the insurance as they have insisted that my expensive med be delivered via mail and it is not here yet!

My plan is to get into the shop and finish that costume and then give the car a thorough scrub.  But of course it is going to be 108 here and who wants to be out in the hot sun scrubbing a car?  Me I guess...

I can't beleive that I am not going to be sewing right up to the moment we leave.  I actually have almost 4 days to plan my vacations.  It is so novel.  But I do have to laugh at myself, as a group of baseball players were in yesterday with ripped uniform pants which I mended on the spot as they had a game and I told them I WAS LEAVING!!!!!  They were like, "But what if we need you?" I told them to stock up on safety pins or quit sliding into home.

Thrifty Thursday:

1. saved all my spare change in the pig bank.

2. saved all my $5 dollar bills  total now $ 1715.00 or $45.00 this last week

3. saved a $1,$5,$10,$20 bill

4. saved money in my 100 envelope challenge

5. Cooked most meals from scratch, but did get fast food twice this week, I was just so wiped out from sewing and grandkids.

6. Using onions, tomatoes, cucumbers and squash from mine or various gardens.

7. accepted foods from daughter who had extra.

8. shortened a pair of pants for hubs

9. Used coupons at Joanns

10. downloaded  receipts to Fetch.

11. did not grocery shop at all this week but will pick up a few things on sale for our trip to lake.

12. fed all food scraps to chickens.

13. getting about 6 eggs a day now from chickens

Over all not a great week for saving money in small ways, but the shop was booming and I am able to put a good chunk into the savings account, gaurenteeing that our cruise and vacation  at the lake are fully paid for.  Yippee!

Have a you saved money in any ways this week?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are int the negative.



  1. Great response to the baseball team. I'm so impressed with your savings and discipline.

  2. You have done great. Glad things are about done - then just ENJOY life for a while

    1. I know it is wonderful, although the fire smog is so bad I can hardly breathe.

  3. Yeah! How fantastic that all the hard work and empty shop left behind a pile of $100 bills ;). You and your husband deserve a long wonderful cruise,..oh wait. It is already paid for ;). Congratulations.

    1. I know, I am so blessed. First of all to get the work, and to be able to do it!

  4. Great job with your time management & discipline!!

  5. Loved your response to the ball players. You are doing so well in the saving department.

    God bless.

    1. I know the little demons, like I am just sitting here waiting for them to come over. Well I usually am. Then I don't charge them because I can fix there problem in about 2 minutes and kick there little butts out the door. But I have always repaired all uniforms for the school district non gratis, beleive me it has built my business.

  6. Good job on saying NO. Introduce the players to duct tape.

    1. Well they will have to do something while I am gone.

  7. I'm glad you ere able to get the final dress done and now onto the costume great job to be ahead by four days.

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