
Friday, September 10, 2021

Friday, Crazy day

 Running with scissors here.  I have had so many drop offs and pick ups we are due over at lil sis's to start decorating for nieces party.  Of course I don't have the cake frosted yet and the dogs and kids are here.

Nate just went to get us lunch and then we are off. It is a zoo here and I am running behind can you believe that?

I sewed hard yesterday and actually got 7 dresses done but nothing on wedding dresses.  I will really have to put my nose to the grindstone next week.  Because I didn't do a damn thing this week....:)

We might have Oliver in the morning tomorrow, and Hubs wants to go huckleberry picking.  Have no idea how the weekend will turn out, but I just want to do anything else than sewing.  I am a little burned out with the long hours.

We took a keylime pie and a dozen eggs over to our friend that had to put their dog down. As they had no children he was the child.  We had a nice long visit and my friend ate two pieces of the pie.

 Then I came back home to finish up a couple of dresses. Now I am off like a prom dress.  My mother hated when we said that.

Any plans for the weekend? Anything fun?  Let me know becasue I may have to live vicariously through you.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while I am in the negative.



  1. I never heard that saying until I read it here. Saturday is my birthday, but I hae nothing exciting happening here. Well, nothing except now we are going to the yard to clean corn.

  2. Quiet weekend here. I don’t have a garden so I am saved from the perils of canning. I will make a loaf of homemade bread but I have a bread machine…five minutes of putting ingredients in and then turning it on…exhausting. Hope you get ahead of the curve a bit and have a chance to rest one day this weekend.

    1. Well today is the day. Next week is going to be hell!

  3. I cringe on that expression too! I guess when you have daughters...Well, I'm chauffeur and holder of stuff today. Be envious of my glam life.

  4. That expression has always cracked me up. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  5. I've got teen birthday parties (guests, not my teens) & soccer games, plus I'm hoping for some time in the garden. Good luck being productive!

    1. Well not today, I am going to spend some time in the pool and the sun and then maybe take the kayaks out?
