
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Wednesday, frustrations abound

 Yesterday was a why day, Why am I frustrated?  Why do I feel like I GOT NOTHING DONE?  Why do I allow my stress emotions to take over?  When really there was no way I could get a lot done as I had way too many interruptions.  I had over 20 people in the shop and I had 3 bridal fittings which take time.  They have to get the dress on and then we discuss what needs to be further done and then they leave the dress for me to finish.  I did have one dress picked up and will have another picked up today, and they were both very hard dresses, and large as in ball gown style, so they will be out of the shop and  that will help with the stress level.

Anytime I can get larger items out I am happy about it.  I tried to work on items yesterday that were due out for the weekend.  I only have a jacket for a groom and a formal dress left for this weekend,anything else I get done is gravy so really I did just fine yesterday. I just need to calm down, I mean really Kim get a grip.

When I got up today I tried to get some things done around this very dirty house, just things like, picking up, and putting away.  Folding laundry and putting away, just a few things to make myself feel like my house is not going to fall down around me.

 Poor hubs has been so frustrated with the shop entrance.  The  door that leads to the bathroom clients use to try on actually fell off the frame.  As in the screws were so short they just let go and Hubs had to go to the hardware store and get much longer screws.  He fixed that.  The next day the light fixture that is in the laundry room that the clients pass through went belly up.  It strobes, off and on and will give you a seizure in no time, so clients enter in the dark.  We just found out from his cousin that the whole fixture must be replaced.  Then the door handle into the shop from outside fell off in my hand.  After two days of hubs messing with it and me having to tell clients I could not open the door come to the other one, He finally just took the dang thing off.  

Now I WANTED TO CALL Stillman our nephew to come fix said door, but hubs has his pride so I have put up with this nonsense for three days.  Finally I am allowed to contact Stillman who will now need to replace the light fixture also.  That entrance gets used way more than a normal entrance and everything is falling apart. I am waiting for the next shoe to drop.  Hubs and I have just laughed about it. But it has added to my frustration as I have had to go out the front door and around to get things out of the garage many times yesterday.  KIM HATES WASTING TIME! Especially when she is busy.

Complain, whine, go read another blog, I mean really why are you reading this diatribe? Please stop it will be better for your blood pressure, either you will pity me and keep me in prayer or you will be swearing at me and wanting to strangle me. I want to strangle me.

In the mean time I have already had two more bridesmaid dresses dropped off and a bride was in here for me to put a bustle on her dress. SO today's work load is as follows:

1. finish bridal dress for pick up today

2. call all clients for pick up on things done yesterday

3. alter a dress

4. alter grooms jacket

5. hem 4 pairs of slacks

These are the things that must be done.  However, I would like to in addition get these things done:

1. finish up another bridal dress

2. call bride for a fitting

3. hem a pair of jeans

4. hem a pair of jeans

5. hem 4 shirts

6. attack a pile of things and get done

I doubt very much that I will get all of this done, but I will try. Hubs is trying to be much less disruptive today, as he has come to the conclusion he can't fix the boo,boos on the house.

What do you do when you get frustrated with things when you are busy and you feel like you are getting nothing done?  How do you handle that stress? I mean if you work at any job you are going to have times when this happens. So how do you cope?


Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are int the negative.




  1. I am not praying for you, neither am I frustrated with your whining. You deserve to whine and complain. I am not at all tolerant of so many things going wrong...and having to go outside and around to get things? I tell you what your husband can do--pick up the house and work where you need him to work!

    I had a friend who made salt dough ornaments for craft shows. She said that one night she told her husband that she could wash the dishes or make $150 worth of ornaments. She said he did not hesitate and said he would do the dishes.

    Someday, I will put an alteration story on my blog.

    It seems the main thing you need is a larger sewing room. My sewing room was about 17'x18' and could have been larger! How do they actually try on a huge dress in a bathroom?

    1. I like that kind of bargain, I NEED TO REMEMBER THAT STRATEGY. I can make $250.00 working on this Wedding dress or I can cook dinner.

  2. B R E A T H E !!!!!!!!!!
    Some things are not nearly as important as we make them in the scheme of things. You got this kiddo. HUGS

    1. Thanks Cheryl that means the world to me. I know I have it, I just get myself so worked up at times. You are important to me and I know you will always have my best interest at heart and give me good advice.

  3. When I get frustrated I go for a walk, however you can't do that when you are so busy. Perhaps you could do some stretches and deep breathing for 5 minutes or so?.

    God bless.

    1. Or I can sneak a baby ruth bar and eat it in the bathroom.

  4. I add things to my to do list that I have already done and cross them off…makes me feel like the day wasn’t a complete waste ;)

    1. I have done this too! You make me laugh my friend.

  5. You may not like this but I'm going to say it. As much childcare as you gift your daughter, I would suggest that she pay you back by cleaning your house for you. The childcare takes away time from your business as well as home maintenance. You are saving her a bundle $$. I know that spending time with your grands is something you cherish. It however, is gobbling up time you could be doing other things that are important to you-a clean house and your business.

    1. My daughter does come in and deep clean my house before holidays and when I ask her. She is great. When I scrub the fingers in my hands lock up, so she has always come in and helped. Thanks goodness for her.

  6. I can't say I don't agree with Elle. It seems your panic overwhelming days follow mutliple days of child care, or mission work, or doing stuff for others. I'd let someone do for Kim too. Otherwise, what I do? I crap in my blog-good release, pout a little, and then get on with it.

  7. I feel your pain Kim. It never rains, it pours. Get in the car and go get yourself some donuts or chocolate & a diet coke. Chocolate makes everything better (at least for me it Forget everyone & everyone and just take 30 minutes for yourself. Remember that this too shall pass. Hoping that tomorrow is a day where everything goes well for you.

    PS. You're allowed to vent. That's what we're here for :)

    1. I am much better today, as in I stopped sewing and just took some time.

  8. I did not know we shared a house SMILE KIM.
    Our front door handle came off in Hubby's hand as we walked out. Took him 2 weeks to replace it. Every time someone came up to the front door to talk to him about a job (Amish don't have phones) He had to tell them to open the door for him. Finally our neighbor just asked if he could replace the handle for us. Hubby went and got one. GRIN AND BEAR IT. Yes I could have replaced it but Men's egos are fragile LOL

    I traded with my girls... I babysat and they cleaned the home. I loved it when the OCD one cleaned.. she didn't get a much done as the other 3 but it was cleaner. Son 2 has cleaned bathrooms (he like to and always has ) in exchanged with me mowing his yard or cat sitting.
    I asked the kids what do you do when you are stressed out?
    Daughters (funny all 4 of them ) pound on their mattresses or pillows.
    Son 1 cranks up the music and Son 2 either goes for a bike ride for at least 15 min or sits out on his patio and listens to music.
    I spend 15 minutes reading a book outside and then go back to the stress
    PS... I thought you knew that blogs are just like letters in the old days writing about our daily crap.

    1. Forgive us this day our daily crap, let's embroider that on a pillow.

  9. I definitely have days when the stress gets the best of me (yesterday, eating chocolate after dinner). For the most part, what works well for me is starting the day with a walk or some exercise, spending a few minutes (or more) outside, and meditating. Deep breathing & just focusing on my breath, trying to let some of the stress go.

    1. Or just stopping and starting to clean and organize and just do something else really helped me.

  10. Should have added, by far the most effective tool for me in managing my stress is working out.

    1. You know even when I don't get in a good walk, I still get close to 10,000 steps a day.
