
Friday, December 10, 2021

Friday, White knuckle drive

 Well last night I took Oliver home and boy did I hit a storm on the Polouse with car's off the road, and trucks jack knifed. Finally saw traffic stopped right where the highway goes from 4 lane to two lane.  This place is called Rankin hill and is very steep and dangerous.  A highway patrolman was going from car to car and I asked if I should turn around and head back down.  But he said, "No, it was just one way traffic down the hill and up to prevent accidents.  So a snowplow just led each traffic line one at a time.  When I got to Moscow it was rainy and wet but not slick.  Then I turned around a came home in a blizzard.  Hit Lewiston and it was fine.

I have driven in a lot worse conditions, but I don't like driving in the dark especially with such precious cargo. We live at sea level, so when we go up the hill to the prairie, the weather conditions change dramatically.

Oliver kept my busy yesterday and I got no sewing done so today I must, must, must hit the machines.  I think I need to make a list to scare myself.  I keep thinking there is not much to do and I believe there is plenty in there.

Here are more pictures of the house. 

Our bedroom, and the tv.


 Master bath off the bedroom.  All of this Christmas stuff was my mom's and came with her when she moved in with me. She had a huge three story Older home, so she had enough to outfit both Lil sis and I.

Daughter bought me these trees,and you can put them outside, but as no one can see the yard from the street I thought I would put them in the family room.

The bottom blue plate is from Norway and I was able to get it at a second hand store for 1.99.  I added it to the other two inherited from mom. 

Now I really do have to get to work.  I want to do some Christmas baking this weekend, but I am going to cut back.  I am just not in the mood.

Sewing for the day!

1. hem two curtain panels

2. replace zipper and patch jeans

3. replace elastic in two pair pants

4. hem a pair of jeans

5. hem a pair of jeans and replace a button

6. fix a coat pocket in lining

7. patch a crotch, replace a button

8. hem a jumpsuit

9. hem 5 pairs of pants

10. alter 4 pairs of pants at waist and down legs.

11. shorten sleeves on a winter coat (ripped)

12. make a Christmas gift

13. Make a Christmas gift

14. hem a pair of pants

There are probably other things lurking in the shop that I did not even see.  So I had better get busy.

Now how to motivate myself. Kim has had the wind taken out of her sails and she needs to get her mojo back.  But taking it slow is kind of nice and peaceful and I am taking full advantage of the rest.

Are any of you baking for the Holidays?  If so what?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I've only left the house in foot today- getting nasty. I'll be relieved when hubs is home. Shovelling tomorrow. Yuck.

    1. I hate it when my kids or hubs are out on bad roads, I always imagine the worst!

  2. So glad you made it home safely. We are looking at storms and tornado watches tonight. Crazy winter for sure.
    You sure go all out on decorating. It is pretty.

    1. Thanks, CHeryl, I hope you were not impacted by the tornado.

  3. Lovely decor. I really like that quilt!! Just beautiful.

    Glad you made it there and back safely.

    God bless.

  4. All your christmas decor just looks so beautiful Kim .. & I love that alot of it was your Mum's. I don't like driving in the dark anymore either - especially when you have "precious cargo" on board.

    1. Well, I know I can handle myself, but it is the other nuts out there that worry me. Driving too fast for conditions.

  5. I am starting my Christmas baking today. I'm really scaling back as well this year. We had a huge line of strong storms/tornadoes come through here last night. Pray for all of those in the line especially in Kentucky The big guy was up until 2am so he'll be out for awhile.

    1. THat, is so awful about those tornadoes. MY heart just goes out to those people.

  6. I’m glad you were able to make it back home safely, Kim. The shower curtain from your Mom is beautiful!

  7. I hate scary drives! I am glad it turned out okay. Get to sewing!

    1. Thanks I wish you were here to boss me, I would get so much more done!

  8. Oh, I absolutely love the Christmas bathroom.

  9. I made fruit cakes on Stir up Sunday (Sunday before Advent starts) and they are "curing" as Hubby calls it. I am making 2 different cranberry pies (first time of doing that) and an apple cider doughnut cake (another first) to take to a group gathering (socially distance with masks except when seated at tables and you are to sit in your own bubble)in a bay big enough for a fire truck. Patio heaters will be there.
