
Monday, December 20, 2021

 Yes this is how I feel right now.  Just un-plug me please. DO now plug me back in until next Christmas.

Saturday morning I was up and bathed and washed my hair for Sunday and then took Hub's mom shopping, for a birthday gift for him.  I had to pick up groceries, and dollar store containers for cookies.  We got home about 1 a.m. ans Lil sis was at the house ready to help with some baking.  I was not at all prepared, even though I knew she was coming.

She told me she was going to tell Sissie.  But having Oliver for two nights and days wiped me out. So we got krumkakke and spritz cookies done and also got the potatoes made for the lefsa and I got  the peppakakke dough remade and out in the freezer.  I left the potatoes out in a covered bowl on the back deck for later.  Lil sis left about 4 and I sent Hubs for a Pizza, as I was exhausted and had a messy kitchen and still had not baked his birthday cake.

We had planned on having both girls and their husbands for dinner on Sunday for hub's birthday.  We were also having Kelsa blessed.  When daughter met us at church Sunday morning, no Nate.  The stomach flu that the kids had was hitting him.    They thought they had missed it although all the other adults in their court had gotten it.  We went ahead and blessed the baby and she was very good even though she was so old, but with covid they would not bless babies.  Signe' ( daughter #2) looked beautiful and she is,but she also looked white and sweaty.  She had on a mask, and I felt her head, she had a fever.  She wanted to stay at out house with the kids as Nate was home throwing up and on the toilet every 1/2 hour.  I said NO!  I will keep the kids you go home and take that with you.  She barely made it out of the church after the blessing. Here is Kelsa in our family blessing dress, worn by many other babies.  Of course the bonnet was too small, but look closely at the pigtails. So cute!

So we ended up with the kids all day yesterday and last night, and Kelsa was a rat.  I think she was constipated.  Now Grandma is irritated.  Daughter and husband were both on the mend in about 12 hours although she said at one point when Nathan had crawled back into bed with her after a bathroom trip, he put a pillow over his face and told her to press down.  Both are back to work today.

So Schmills and I frosted and he decorated grandpas cake. Then I cut out and baked the peppakkakor and made rosettes, which are a pain. Finally got Hub's birthday dinner done and we had a snow storm on the hill. So it was no daughter's or husbands just the two kids and mom and I.  All that work and preparation for us.  Oh well plenty of left overs so no cooking tonight.

I am so tired and Aunt BB is coming to get the kids and watch them tomorrow at daughter's and when she found out that there was a flu there, she called and wants to spend the night here and watch the kids here as she is undergoing Cancer treatments and cannot be around sick people. At least I will be able to get some sewing done which I am behind on big time.  If I could have a few uninterrupted hours, I could make some progress, but I cannot it seems.

Lil sis is here right now making lefsa and when she is done Schmills and I will decorate cookies and then I am done.  I want my trays made ready and all this mess cleaned up!  I am so tired of the mess of Christmas all over the house.  I know this brings many freinds and my family joy but I am seriously contemplating not doing this again. 

I want to get into my shop with a clean house and be left alone, with no interruptions. My ADHD is over the top right now and I don't focus well with too much all the time. Hubs mom is a dear but she is now into nagging me to eat breakfast which I don't, then trying to force me to eat at lunch when I don't want to. I can only take so much.

Merry Christmas by the way as I rant on and on.  Sorry it has just been a hellish Holiday season for me, and I promise nice, positive Kim will return soon.  In the mean time my mother in law wants me to come eat....

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the neagtive.



  1. Oh, Kim. After your November no one is expects anything and if they do they don't sound like the family you describe. Christmas will come and go whether there's 5 batches and types of cookies or none. You are a guardian angel to everyone, but you need rest. Real rest.

    1. Amen to that. I think this is turning point my dear. Next year has to be different.

  2. Have you had a good cry yet? You need one and I am about to have a good cry just thinking about all of this. At least you have kept the sick people away. Good grief! So, you are going to be well-fed. Well, she means well. Maybe things will calm down after Christmas or New Year's.

    1. I certainly hope so, it is tough around here and my attitude does not help.

  3. (((((Kim))))) so much stress! My heart goes out to you. If I lived closer zip would come and help you out. I hope no one else gets that awful flu bug.

    1. I wish you were close because we could have so much fun together and make each other laugh.

  4. I am surprised that no one seemed to be worried at all that you and your husband might catch that stomach bug by being around them. Merry Christmas! Take care rest up, an try to keep well.

    1. I don't think when people are in the throws of sickness they think.

  5. I am so sorry. You sound exhausted. Hope you are able to get some rest, and I hope everyone feels better. Maybe cut back on the cookie making next year, or at least have your girls each make a cookie recipe?
    Happy belated birthday to your hubby, and Schmills did a good job decorating the cake. Kelsa looks precious.

  6. Hope everyone is on the road to recovery and you have a lovely Christmas!

  7. I hope you get some time to put your feet up and take a break over Christmas, you certainly deserve a bit of time to rest and renew. Hope you have a good Christmas and all that baking looks fabulous!

  8. Thanks Jan, I do need a good lie in.

  9. You need to dial back on Christmas or get stuff done earlier. I was finished by Dec 1st and it has been a restful time. I did NOT bake a single cookie. All gifts were wrapped early. We keep it pretty simple. It should not be a crazy time. Make adjustments next year is all I can say!
