
Thursday, December 30, 2021

Thursday, Let it snow!

 This is befitting our area right now, we have 8 inches of snow and more coming down. Hubs has been out shoveling since early morning. He has not hooked up the plow to the 4 wheeler yet, but I am sure that is coming.  Right now he is just using the snow blower.

We are both used to driving in this mess as we grew up in it.  The rest of the town not so much, plus we have a lot of hills like Seattle, so the city closes them off and we have to reroute many places. If this keeps up we will just shut down for a few days. Just not enough plows to keep up, so I think Hubs will be busy.

B just called me and said an ambulance got stuck in Moscow Idaho and they had about 15 people out pushing it back onto the road.  Only in Idaho does traffic stop to get an ambulance out.

Ran into Albertson's today as I had another 10% off coupon that had to be used by the 31.  I found a large roast 50% off, but I was not going to use that coupon on a $10.00 item so I found a lady that had a huge cart full of groceries and gave it to her. She will get $20.00 off compared to my less than a dollar.  I also went to put my cart away and found 11 pennies scattered on the ground by the carts.  Woo Hoo! Score!

Hub's and I stopped at MCD's for our diet coke and he told me he wanted a hot chocolate, so I asked for one and they wanted $4.19 for a hot chocolate plus tax. Forget it!  I took him home and made him a hot chocolate and sprayed some whip cream on it.  When did hot coco made from a mix with water become a luxury item?

The snow is really beautiful.

This is the view from our family room window yesterday.  Today there is much more snow and you can't see the hills as it is snowing too hard.

I can't beleive tomorrow is New Years Eve. This year went by so fast. All in all it was a fabulous, apart from our deaths which were grueling. My faith keeps me going in that department as nothing else can.

I don't believe I will have any customers today, so I think I will take a nap.  Mom is all cuddled up in a blanket asleep on the sofa.

Now what can I make for dinner?  I am thinking pasta and a salad.  I have some porchetta that needs to be used up.  

I have plans within plans for the New Year. I am excited about them and can't wait to share.

Do you have any plans for the New Year? Does anyone want to join in on a pantry challenge for January? Let me know.  I know I am going to do one.  I need to really use up things in the freezers.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. It is really pretty- THERE!!!!! LOL. I don't like snow. I have been the one who had to move it my entire adult life. Hubby was never here when it snowed when he worked for city. Then he couldn't being disabled and now I still have to do it, being alone.
    I am planning on staying out of grocery stores in January. I always start my year that way. I have more than enough.
    Stay warm and safe!!!!!!

    1. Well,I am hoping to do that also, except for fresh, or milk. I will break bad for a good meat sale. Happy New Year you.

  2. What a stunning view you have Kim ... is that water in front of the mountains - I cannot see clearly sorry. I would love to have a view like that.

    1. Yes that is the confluence of the Snake and the Clearwater river's. We are on the last freshwater seaport to the Columbia leading to the ocean.

  3. Nothing is happening here NYE. I might pop some popcorn. Your view is pretty. I don't like snow. That is why I live in this part of the South. However, I can drive on ice and snow.

    That is an exorbitant price for hot chocolate! Tommy had hot chocolate when it was in the 70s yesterday. It is still in high 60s now, so maybe I will put some boiling water and chocolate packet together and leave off whipped cream.

    I need a challenge.

    1. I also need a challenge to start the New Year. SO it will be to just get through January. I have alot of bills due.

  4. Wow... This will be me next year when I move closer to the grandchildren. Plans for the weekend? Rest, strike down and pack up Christmas decorations, clean apartment. Binge watch movies

  5. No plans for New Year's. The north sound in PNW has had an unusual amount of snow. In any case, I don't go out much anyways.
    I start the year with both a no spend and pantry challenge. Typically, my no spend morphs into February. I *will* buy deep clearance meats, though. If I find, say, a turkey breast for $0.49/lb, or $60 perfume for $12, it will find its way home with me. What I do is deduct the original retail cost from the budget, with the rest going to savings.

    1. Hey that is a great way to save never thought of that one. I to am doing a no spend except for huge discounts and fresh produce and milk.

  6. The view out your window is outstanding. I would just sit there with some hot chocolate and take in how beautiful it is. For those of us from the south there is something magical about snow.
    I would love to join in a pantry challenge for January. My freezer still looks about like it always has__overfilled.
    My NYE will be like it has been for several years. I will put on my pj's, read and watch Ryan Seacrest.
    NYD will just be a quiet day at home for the two of us.

    1. We are taking Hub's mom up to Grangville Idaho which is 1.5 hours away if the road is good. She will meet a carpool there. Then home to go sledding with the grandkids!

  7. Sorry if I double commented. Your view, from patio not driving, is gorgeous. I wish you a terrific 2022. Who knows what it will become bring?

    1. Thanks, and I know keeping a positive attitude is an important part of the New Year!

  8. Your view is amazing! It's been unseasonably warm here for the last few weeks. A cold front is supposed to come in Sunday. Just in time for me to go back to work on Monday.
    I have a lot of goals for this year as well. I'm in for a pantry challenge.
    Happy New Year! I'm hoping 2022 will be a kind year for us all.

    1. Me too, I did not end this year well, but I am all about a positive next year.

  9. Your patio view is breathtaking! I'd start every morning just gazing at it, cup of coffee in hand. I don't mind snow, as it's been part of my life always. I'd miss the change of seasons too much if I lived down south.
    I started my pantry challenge in December, and it will keep going until I get a grip on my freezers. I mean, what the heck am I doing with a package of plantains from Trader Joe's? None of us like them!
    Wishing Kim and all her readers a happy, safe, and productive 2022!

    1. Thanks Sue, besides just saving money, I really want to know just what is in those freezers.

  10. Your view is so lovely! I might try to run out to pick up a few things today, as we've been gone for a week. M was here, but quarantining, so he didn't get any groceries. It's been a wild few weeks at our house.

    Nick has plans to go golfing with friends, & the rest of us are going to relax & enjoy finally being together after the holidays. It was a tricky end of the year!

    1. Did you guys get COVID? I must be out of the loop?

  11. Oh what a view! I envy your snow! here in the Ozarks we don't get a pretty winter, it's dark, brown and wet usually. I am glad your load seems to be lighter, time to think and feel the past 12 months and plan for the next 12. I am excited to read your new ideas and plans! We are having a game night at our house tonight, cocktails and appetizers. Asking for prayers for our daughter Sheri as her quality of life has declined in the past few days.

    1. I am so sorry, that has to be so hard and I will pray for you and for her. Have a great New Year.

  12. I think you got our weather from Christmas. We got about 10" of snow and then cold (I mean really cold) weather hit.

    Your view is lovely.

    Happy New Year.

    God bless.
