
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Tuesday, Late post

With Hub's mom here, we have been playing musical chairs.  Hubs and I each have our favorite spot in our family room.  Mine is by the large window as I like to sew in natural light when doing hand work.  I have a table to hold drinks and things.  Hub's place is over by the bookcase, and he sits on one end of the sofa with a side table and an overhead hanging lamp.  This allows him light to read which he does for hours a day and also allows him a good view of the TV.

This third chair is not used much but with three of us here, we can turn this chair to face the TV.  It had no lamp to read and no table.  So, we were always switching places according to who was doing what.

I went to TJMaxx today and Ross to see if I could find a small table and I did, and then floor lamp.  The gold in the lamp matches the studs in the chair and the little round tv table can be put over the chair to get it out of the way or to be used to eat something.  I don't know why I did not do this before.  I guess because three people have never lived here. The cord for the lamp goes under the rug. Well, I think Hub's has found himself a new spot as this is closer to the TV and he can hear it better. Really should have done this ages ago. 

I was just busy today, doing laundry and cleaning and shopping. Almost all Christmas is down.  Missionaries came over to put away boxes in the garage for us, so neither of us had to climb ladders. There are still thigs to put away in the front room as in boxes, but I can wait until they come for dinner next Sunday.  Now it is just mom's linens and the tree, so I feel like I am well on the road to having things cleaned up.

Daughter and I went out to look for a new living room set for her.  She has specific wants and she will have to check a few more places before making a decision.

I need to run to Joann's for some zippers and I also stood on our shower curtain hooks while I was switching out the linens and broke three of them, so I must run get a new set.

Kelsa was here today for a few hours, and she will now walk behind a little pushcart, but Grandpa must walk with her up and down the hall.  She screams if he sits down.  He has created the monster now he has to live with it.

Eldest daughter and family, she said it only took 10 minutes of screaming to get this picture.  I remember those days.  Middle daughter said Christmas eve she was yelling at her husband and Schmills, "This house has to sparkle, or I am taking away Christmas."  Ah motherhood, if it was meant to be easy, it would not have stated out with something called labor.

Don't these two just look like attorneys, and son in law is a water law attorney, the geek of all attorneys. Or so says daughter who is just a geek.

Well, I am off to finish my chores.  Get to work will you guys?  I mean really days a wasting.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. A good table and a lamp are very necessary for me as I get older. Does mil know that she has a place? What is the name of that great copper vessel behind your husband?

    1. That is a water cooler. Most great houses in Europe had them in front. They were filled with water and it was kept cold. There is a hook and a dipper inside. Almost all of these were melted down during the 1st and second world war for bullets as they are lined with led. Yes, the servants drank from vessels lined with led, and so did the Lords. Funny huh? This is very valuable, and I want to sell it, but must research to get a good price.

  2. It's looking so comfortable with the added items. We've got our favorite spots as well.

    1. YEs we are creatures of habit especially hubs who we call Sheldon Cooper,

  3. Sometimes we wait on things or just don't think about them - then wahla - we wonder why! I have my favorite spot as well - I think we all do.
    Great picture of the kids. They all look so nice.

    1. We do all have our favorite spots, so do the dog and cat. They clean up nice don't they!

  4. Our homes are always changing and evolving. The sitting area looks nice.

  5. We have our favorite spots too, but I love that your dh found a new spot after your additions. That makes it all worth while. I was laughing at your comment that he made the monster so now he has to live with it. My niece when she was 2 years old would scream bloody murder when she saw a large black ant in our house. It would send shivers down your spine. LOL

    I have to get busy now LOL

    1. They are so funny at that age. You can't reason with them. It is just so dang cute to see this little tiny baby pushing this cart and this big lumbering man following her like a sheep dog and if he sneaks off, and she notices she has a fit. She really chews him out and he has to come back and follow her. We all died laughing.

  6. Eldest daughter is a beauty, surrounded by her 3 handsome men! Queen of the castle, I would wager!
    Your sitting room does look cozy and that lamp is really nice!

  7. I float at the dining table but Hubby always sits in one chair. He also has his desk chair in front room so he can work on his desk and see the tv, anyone coming up the drive and hear his HAM radio. He sleeps in the recliner or sometimes stays awake long enough to watch some tv. Charlotte take the recliner or couch or love seat or chair Daddy bought me for his house as he was tired of seeing my feet dangle. LOL
