
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Wednesday, My pig runneth over!


Well, Schmills and I went to the coin machine yesterday and we spent about 15 minutes shoving coins into the tray.  He had so much fun.  The grand total for the year was $394.57 cents.

I traveled a lot last year.  Between vacations and then running down to Mom and Dad's every month.  I try and use cash, and this helps with the change savings.

I always come home with a coin purse full of change, when I travel anywhere. It adds up. SO that is my Christmas fun money.  Yeah!

I worked slow but steady on the house yesterday and I am getting there. I forgot how much work it is to get ready for the holidays.  Some might think it is silly but it brings me peace and as I unpack things, I remember my Heritage and my mom and dad's Christmas traditions.

I still have to go and cut holly branches and pick up a few more candy canes. Then it is just vacuuming and cleaning the floors.  Hauling boxes in and out has made a terrible mess of the floors, plus being gone, and the all the dog hair needs it weekly clean up.

Right now, there is a large stack of empty containers to take back to the garage and things to take back out to the sheds. But I am getting there.

I do need to get into the shop tomorrow and get a few things done. I ordered new little candles for the outdoor tree, and they should arrive next week.

Now let's talk cooking..... Yeah, Swedish cookies!!!!!!

But right now, I am going to vacuum.

Do any of you save your change?  When do you cash it in? What is the most you have saved?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I used to save change and then cash in for Christmas money. I have tons and tons of change now - but I do use it when I can - doing my part to make sure change stays in the network!
    I figure I will never be broke!
    Yu did good. Lot is a good amount.
    Have a good one.

    1. Thanks Cheryl. I never did understand the coin shortage during this covid pandemic. But I know I did give up change to cashiers when it was needed several times.

  2. Oh, that is a great amount for Christmas fun money, Kim. I hope you enjoy it!

    1. It is nice to have the extra. We always do a sea food dinner, and it looks like things are going to be really high, so I will cut back some and I have a little extra money to meet the challenge.

  3. You did great! I think saving change in one year to an amount that will be a sizeable chunk towards Christmas is a good deal.

    1. It is an easy way to save, I don't even mis it as it is just drips and draps.

  4. Between Covid and my husband's retirement, I only need to go to CoinStar once a year or so. If you apply your CoinStar to a gift card (I always choose Amazon), they don't charge a fee. My credit union makes us roll our own change so that's not happening! I think my highest ever was about $250.

    1. Good for you. OUr credit union has a coin machine, and we are not charged to use it if we are members.

  5. My husband and I both save our change and we turn it in in January every year. We deposit it in our emergency bank account. The largest amount we had was last year that was $400. We have been doing this for our entire marriage which is going on 49 years and it has been a great help when we needed to use our emergency fund over the years.

    1. That is such a great idea! $400.00 will buy a new set of tires for a small car. I don't know how many times I have needed $400.00 in my life, but it has been many, many times.

  6. I use my change to pay for things I buy from the Amish as they are always in need of cash. The main bank for the Amish is closing due to being sold to a bigger bank so it makes it hard for them to get cash since most had to go 30 miles to get an account with another bank. Our branch closed last year, we have to drive closer to 40 miles.

    1. What a neat way to help. When I vacation, I always use cash when I purchase things from local tradesmen, they sure appreciate it, and I am sure they love to see you coming.

  7. I save my change in a giant plastic bottle. I am now starting on my second bottle. The last time I emptied it at our bank it had $1200 in it. We empty it when we go on vacation. Since covid and us barely competing against migrant pay in the home construction field, we haven't wanted to take a vacation. A lot of my family worked the pipelines and home construction and its been hard on everyone. I am scared we may need that bottle for needs rather than wants.

    1. Oh, I am sorry that you guys are struggling. COvid has wrecked so much, and I am afraid we are in it for another year. IS there anything I can do to help you in some way? You have been so good to me during all my messes.

  8. When I was still working, I always saved my change. I also saved one dollar bills and five dollar bills. Used to just throw the paper money into a trunk and dig it out at the end of the year to pay for Christmas. My husband had to empty his parents house during the pandemic and found coins everywhere. We bagged up all of the general change along with our change that we had here and brought to the bank earlier this year and they thanked us over and over again because they were having such a coin shortage. We still have a small jar of change of our own here, but we also have a couple of containers of the gold colored state quarters his mom saved and also a decent amount of other state quarters that she saved. We also have half dollars that my dad saved and a few silver dollars that we have kept back. Despite having gone to almost a cashless state, I still feel better when I have some cash available, even if it is mostly coins. Ranee (MN)

  9. I save all our change, and the great thing is that when our family reunion comes around every two years (missed it this past summer due to Covid restrictions) our change pays for the weekend.

    God bless.
