
Friday, January 14, 2022

Friday, Putzing, and coughing

 This is how I feel, just drowsy and out of it. Like if I lay down I will not get up.

I have been putzing around the house today.  On my third load of laundry and the last one is in the dryer.  I made a carrot cake this morning as I have been craving it, and I need to use up nuts in the freezer. 

I am not having the bride come in for her fitting as I am not sure what I have. But I will get some sewing done today.

I also want to put out my Valentine decorations, so they will be up for the month before the holiday.  Don't know if I have the energy for that but we will see. Maybe after some carrot cake I will?:)

It will be a low key weekend, as I am not up to snuff. I pulled pork chops and applesauce out of the freezer for dinner, and also a whole chicken to thaw for the weekend.  I was talking to Sissie today and telling her I have so many bags of nuts, mostly walnuts to use up. They are in the freezer, but they still need to be used.  SO if you have any recipes that use nuts lets me know please.

I was able to take a long nap yesterday afternoon, and Hubs watched Kelsa. I did not even cook dinner he just made himself a plate of salami, cheese and crackers before going back to the high school. I did some sewing last night and then went to bed early.  I figure sleep is the best thing for this crap. 

I think we will all eventually get this virus whether we are vaccinated or not.  But the vaccine will keep us from getting really sick.  I can't believe the people who are testing positive after three shots. We will reach herd immunity at this rate for sure. 

Well I have things to get done today I think.

1. finish laundry

2. alter, hem and iron a wedding slip

3. cut and hem a wedding dress, get the hand work done for a try on.

4. bring Valentines decos in

5. put out valentine decorations

6. paint two plant stands I picked up to flip

7. mask up and get to grocery store some time

8. take a long nap

9. put things away on dining room table

10. spray stool with verethane

11. spray large tray with black paint


Wow I wonder which one will win? Does anyone want to place a bet?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Last I read, the Omicron variant has 76 mutations. This is why we vaccinated are getting it. dammit.

    1. My belief now is it is an endemic meaning we will all eventually get it.

  2. Kim, I’m sorry you are sick and hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Thanks Belinda, it is just a cold, and I am just not as perky as usual.

  3. ARGH .. thanks for the reminder .. I have a third load of laundry in process. You get to resting and I'll get to that laundry!

  4. Kim, I wish we lived closer. I'd come over with a mask on and fold your laundry. And take a piece of your carrot cake home. : ) Have a cozy, restful weekend. Feel better.

  5. Replies
    1. It is really yummy, and I did not frost it, and I can tell I am not feeling great as I only ate 2 pieces.

  6. I hope you feel better soon. I'm betting on take a long nap.

  7. I hope you feel much better real soon Kim. I hope the carrot cake helps you feel better ... cake always works for me!!

  8. Any recipe I have that calls for any kind of nuts gets pecans. I hope you get better soon. I know my three weeks struggles with uti were horrendous. That is so cute how she went to sleep. I wish I could sleep like that. I would even stick my face in a shoe.

  9. I hope you start to feel better very soon.

    I love carrot cake, with cream cheese icing.

    God bless.

    1. Me too and I was just craving it something awful. Now I just feel awful.

  10. Hope you feel better! Yum on the carrot cake! Take the nap.

    1. Thanks, Kathy I will. If anyone complains, I will tell them that Kathy said so.

  11. I tend to do one of a few things with nuts:
    -Turn it into nut butter (use in place of peanut butter, both on its own, and in recipes)
    -Turn it into flour. I've only really done this with almonds, so I don't know how this would work with walnuts

    I recently made this recipe, & it was delicious.

    If you're not in love with those flavors, perhaps something similar with a walnut sauce?

    1. Well I like chicken and walnuts and pomegranates so....

  12. Yum, carrot cake is my favorite. I hope you're feeling better soon. If your body is telling you to rest, rest.

  13. REST a lot right now - other things can wait a day or two.
    Feel better

    1. Thanks Cheryl, I am really low energy right now.

  14. You sound sicker than me! I feel like now that I've tested positive, everyone will get it. Fingers crossed those needing to be hospitalized will go down. When you said walnuts, my mind went to candied walnuts with goat cheese in a salad. It's served in a DC restaurant and I drool over it!

    1. Ooh that does sound really good. Yes I am afraid it is an endemic now we are all going to get it eventually. But the vaccine will give us protection from a really bad case.
