
Saturday, January 29, 2022

Saturday, a little painting fun

 The people who were storing their freezers in our garage came and got them this morning.  He is a licensed electric contractor and agreed to hook our generator up to our fuse box.  This is a great trade.  We will have a way to run our freezer, furnace, and fridge should we lose power. Our other house had two working fireplaces and this place has nothing. So this is one more step to being prepared that we need to make.  We can cook outside and light with candles, but heating or cooling are another matter.

 SO hubs and I went out and did some rearranging in the garage.  It does not look much different but does give us more room for the 4 wheeler.

I have two dark wood plant stands that I am going to paint in farm house bisque and distress and try to flip on face book market place.

If you think I am a messy cook, just wait until you see me paint.  I am going to have to swath up and lay out plastic everywhere.

But I want them out of the garage.  SO let's get her done.

I am so happy this cold long month of mostly grey is almost over. Hubs and I also took a few things to the dunp this morning that were lurking around.

I just got a call from an old dance student that needs ribbons and elastics sewn on her daughters shoes.  Crap I am getting old.  When I am fixing shoes for great granddaughters, I will need to retire.

I am off to make a mess.  My favorite thing to do.

Any plans for today? 

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




  1. I had plans but did not get much done today. Your trade seems better for you, but I am sure he is happy. We need a generator!

    It will be great to see your plant stands. I imagine they will sell soon. Hopefully, you post pictures. I am impatient.

    What is so hard about putting elastic and ribbon on ballet slippers? Well, if people could and would sew and do it well, I would never have had business and I suppose you would not, either.

    1. I know it is so weird, we were required to sew our own.

  2. I went out with a friend today, and then drove my car for forty miles.

    1. How nice and to just drive, for no reason, I hope you did this down the coast!

  3. I hope you had a wonderful time making a mess!
    Our generator is the best insurance policy we have ever bought. Since we have had it the power has never gone out for over 4 hours. Before it was out once for four days.

    1. Well living where we have impossible heat and then cold, it is best to have one.

  4. Great barter. It will give you more of a sense of security.

  5. Small insurance policies really do give peace of mind. I kicked a couple jobs to today, but spent time with several siblings for birthdays. My oldest brother is 74 today, oldest sister, 73 tomorrow.

    1. Wow, how nice to have a large family and be able to spend time with them. I love that.

  6. That was a good trade. The generator will definitely give you peace of mind. Enjoy your Sunday!

  7. That's a really good trade, and being prepared always feels good.

    I'm meeting a friend for a hike, doing laundry, making sure the lazy teens get things done, prepping for the week ahead, making chicken curry & a few vacation planning items.

    1. I made shrimp curry yesterday and it was so good!

  8. How neat! I’ve always wanted a whole house generator. That is terrific, Kim.

    1. Well it will give us peace of mind. Plus if we ever sell it is an added bonus for the new owner.
