
Monday, March 7, 2022

Monday, Kim's doings

Is this Monday? It was a hectic weekend.  Both Kelsa and Schmills have that foot, hand and mouth virus. It is a miserable virus, all kids go through, and it is rampant here right now. 

I took Kelsa Friday night so daughter could catch up on sleep and she was a bugger.  She has cold sores on her lips, and I know she was miserable. But having her, put me behind for weekend plans.  After daughter picked her up it was run to catch up and I did not get done what I wanted, but alas I always over plan.

We had the missionaries here for dinner. I did a large pot-roast with mashed potatoes, carrots, homemade biscuits and salad.  They requested crepes for dessert.  We have leftovers, so no cooking today.
I did get the house cleaned and the laundry done, but not as much sewing as I would like.

I need to get savings envelopes done and get my book work completed, but I am going to finish a sewing project first.

I am making ribbon skirts for a shop downtown.  I told her I would give her so much of my time and that is it.  This will bring in more than enough to pay Hub's hearing aid bill this month.  SO, I felt it was worth it.  It is easy assembly line stuff.

Ribbon skirts.  I have done them before.  They are easy and mindless.  I will get these done today and then have that out of the shop and onto the next thing.

I do have two wedding dresses that I need to get ready for fittings tomorrow, but they should not take long.  I also have another mother of the bride dress to get done before tomorrow.  So it is a busy day and I am glad I don't have to cook dinner, that will save me an hour and 1/2.
I still have not gone to Joanns or Walmart to get sewing supplies that I needed Friday. Maybe later this afternoon, I can run out, but who knows?

Wedding dresses are coming in like crazy, so I need to keep them going out. I hope to get 3 out this week maybe 4.  This is on top of all the other alterations that have come in.  I am blessed.  I think?

I was able to get the $300.00 tax sinking fund for last month and this month put in the bank last week.  SO I was happy with that. If I can get Hub's hearing aids paid for, I will be able to catch up and maybe get ahead.

The Nez Perce Store wanted 50 ribbon skirts and I told her I would do 10.  Then I would see where I was in the shop.  I am not going to drive myself crazy.  Kim a couple of years ago would have signed the contract.  But no more.  There are only so many parts of me and so much time.  See I am learning.  I think.

Gas is over $4.00 a gallon here, but I did score a few good buys on meat this last weekend.  I was able to get really nice beef roasts for $3.45 a pound. We just have to find different ways to save and keep going.  But all of us are so truly blessed.

You know I watch/listen to vlogs while I am sewing and I see these women putting 3 different kinds of products into their laundry.  A detergent, a softener, and smelly good beads.  Is that all necessary? All I can think of is how expensive those products are.  Then there is the clean the bathroom, with wipes, and a wand that has a disposable head for cleaning the toilet.  What happened to rubber gloves and ajax? Also using paper towel for every single thing you do in the kitchen.  Wipe the counter after spraying it with 2 products, washing, and then drying it off with paper towel. Paper towel after paper towel used to clean a kitchen.  I use a dry towel.  Am I weird?  Does everyone use all these products?  

Is it just that I am frugal that this seems excessive to me?  Just thoughts that run through my head as I am such a deep thinker.
Well I am off to sew ribbons and then more ribbons,  Wish my luck.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. As always, I'm exhausted just reading about all that you do in a day!

    I do not use all that extra stuff. I use a rag for cleaning (and then wash it). We use eco-detergent and that's it. No more dryer sheets (we use llama balls).

    You think gas is expensive at $4.00 a gallon? It's over $2.00 a liter here (there are about 4 liters to a gallon) - which means it's around $8.00 a gallon. It's the most it has EVER been in my city. I'm glad I don't drive!

    1. We are starting to think we need to break out the bikes. However, we live in a rural very hilly area. We would be in great shape. We have a truck we will hardly use right now because it is a gas hog, but needed here in the winter and to get the 4 wheeler to the woods, or pull a trailer of boat. I just keep telling myself, how blessed we are and to think of those who are not.

  2. Kim, I think frugal needs to teach these vloggers a thing or two. No, you're not alone. I use too many paper towels but try to stretch a roll. They're not recyclable- but could be organic recyclable. I doubt their saving them seperately. No fabric softener here either. Ocasionslly a partial dryer sheet. Yep, we all are cutting back while living as best we can. Poor babies. I hope they're not too miserable.

    1. Kelsa was so sick yesterday. She kept Nate up all night Sunday night. I just shake my head at these wasters!!!! Okay I am judging.

    2. You are not judging--"by their fruits ye shall know them."

  3. Cleaning in our home is vinegar and baking soda. Period. Cloth towels that have been demoted from our bathing towels, washed and used until they are shreds. Glass? Water/vinegar spray. Again cloth towels.

    Laundry? Ecos nonscented detergent. That's it. We rarely have static and we never have the horrid smells that rift through the neighborhood from others-Downey sets off my sinuses like crazy.

    Dishes both handwash and DW: Seventh generation-all unscented.

    My total annual cleaning cost is under $40.

    1. HEy you and I are on the same page, but I do use fabuloso from the dollar tree.
      Also ajax, (dollar tree) and Downy and fabric sheets set me off sneezing.

    2. I cannot even breathe around Fabuloso!

  4. Nope, I don't use any of those extra things. However I am going to need to purchase another toilet bowl brush as I have worn the bristles off this one.

    I love ribbon skirts and shirts.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks, I think they are making toilet brushes cheaper as I have to clean one of my toilets daily. It is 25 years old and all the is enamel scrubbed off.
      We need to replace it. We replaced the other one. I have broken 3 toilet brushes in the last two years trying to keep the master toilet somewhat clean.

  5. Homemade laundry detergent with white vinegar in the rinse cycle. No "smell good"
    laundry beads. Vinegar and baking soda are the mainstays of my cleaning arsenal along with my supply of reusable cleaning rags. Cheap but effective.

    1. I tried homemade laundry, youngest broke out in a rash and Hubs really suffered, so I use a clean and clear.

  6. When we moved into our condo two years ago the previous owner left us a new roll of paper towels. It's still there in the closet.

    1. You are my dream person. May I be you someday!

  7. Tommy has used a bit of paper towel to squash a roach. I would have used two or three squares. Now, he uses a half paper towel to wipe grease out of pan to avoid it going down drain. He wiped lingering rice and slaw out of bowls. So, we use maybe two paper towels a week. We have dish cloths and cleaning rags for other messes.
    I picked up a container of the scent beads and thought I was going to suffocate. I like laundry that does not smell at all.

    1. I cannot imagine the smell of those scent beads, as a dryer sheet will set me off.

  8. I use fabric softener on the clothes but not our linens. I do pay more for seventh generation lavender scent. We have very hard water and it helps a lot.
    I am not a paper towel abuser but TheHub is

    1. Where daughter lives, they have to have water softeners. I think our water is harder here than in our old house. We are on a different well. I only use paper towel for grease blotting and nasty dog or cat or kid messes. I just don't want to wash those.

  9. I agree it is excessive - so many chemicals. I have heard bad things about those beads. I use less detergent than it says, vinegar for rinse and I use peroxide for whitening (natural). I clean with rags. People wonder why they are always broke!!
    You sure are blessed with work.

    1. Well these people don't appear to be broke, just stupid. Okay that was judgy.

  10. Gas is 4.19 here. I paid 4.09 with Kroger card. I'm glad I only work 1 mile from home.
    Hope your grands are feeling better.

    1. Kelsa was terribly sick yesterday. You could bike to work or walk, imagine the shape you would be in.:)

  11. I use a reusable brush to scrub my toilet. I can’t imagine spending money on disposable heads to throw away after one use. And we don’t use disposable wipes to clean with either. In fact I buy the giant bottle of Lysol concentrate and add water and mix up my own disinfectant spray cleaner to save money. I’m like you, frugal works for both of us. I hope your grandchildren are doing better.

    1. Kelsa was very sick yesterday. I just shake my head at the waste.

  12. I think people have been convinced they need all those laundry products by clever marketing companies. I just use an inexpensive liquid laundry soap. I used to make my own years ago from Sunlight soap.

    1. Well I guess I am not influenced easily. I was too poor for too many years and that will not rub off.

  13. I think I would be yelling at the screen of those vlogs if they use all those cleaning products & wipes & paper towels Kim!! What an absolute waste!! Do they not have a selection of rags that they can soak & wash & re-use. Goodness me ... think of all that landfill. Just about does my head in. Hope the little ones are feeling better by now. xx

    1. I know I do want to scream at them. Especially because they influence people. Someone needs to influence people to not be wasteful.

  14. Don't forget, you have to buy new containers to put all that laundry stuff in! Does it bother you how some if them hand wash dishes? Whatever happened to filling up the sink with hit soapy water? It irritates me when each item us rinsed, sprayed with Dawn Power Wash and then rinsed. Sometimes the water is running the whole time. Have I been doing it wrong all this time? But then again, when I load the dishwasher, my dishes get a scrape off and in they go, I don't wash them(one at a time while the water is running) and then load them. I have been trying to be mire conscience of my waste. Hope Kelsa is on the mend.
