
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Thursday, Thrifty, Birthday, progress!

 I finished another chart! So, onto #6. I actually had a really good day in the shop, and I could feel all the empowering thoughts. I had two dresses picked up so there is more room in the shop and that always makes me happy. Plus, money is a great motivator, at least for me.

The bride that did not pick up yesterday morning, texted me this morning and will be here tomorrow. It has really helped that I have instituted a policy for pickup of wedding and bridesmaid dresses.  They have 48 hours from the call and then I charge a $25.00 a day storage fee.  SO far it has worked.  It is one of the smartest things I have ever done. It is taking off a lot of stress I experienced last year.  And thanks for all the great advice I have been given on this issue.

I was really able to kick through my shop work, and even do some cleaning in there.  Then last night before Hubs came home, I set my timer for 15-minute intervals, and I cleaned the entire house!

So today is my Birthday!  I have a clean house and that always makes my day go better.

Daughter is coming down and we are going to look for flowers.  So, I am actually taking another day off. 

Last night, Signe' called me from the studio and told me that the mother that had agreed to alter costumes had come up with some lame excuse that she couldn't do the sewing.  So, I ran down and picked up 5 costumes that are all very easy fixes. I am only doing my daughter's things not the studios entire rack.  I put a stop to that long ago. See Kim does stand up for herself once in a while.


1. SAVED ALL my spare change!

2. saved all the $5.00 bills, $65.00 this week it was a great week for 5's. total for year $595.00

3. saved a $1, $5, $10, $20 bill

4. used coupons at Joanns for sewing supplies.

5. picked up 4 pillowcases brand new with an embroider pattern already on them.  I love to embroider in the evenings and give these as gifts.  Cost was less than $5.00 Thrifting!

6. Picked up an antique vase for $8.00 sold for $60.00, Thrifting

7. cooked all meals from home.

8. only bought strawberries, limit one and cheese limit 2 for groceries this week.

9.  my seedlings are coming up, so that will save on garden planting.

10. Accepted a cute jacket from neighbor that she had ordered and could not return.

11.  Hubs cleaned chicken coop and rototilled the garden with it, so saved on fertilizer.

12. asked for gift certificates to the local nursery, for my birthday to save on purchasing flowers this year!

My little brother called and sang the Beattle's song to me about, "when your 64".  Like I needed reminded.

Well, I am off to get more fun!

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




    I hope you have an amazing day and find some beautiful flowers.

    1. Well all I really bought was a Rosmary as I killed mine. Will bring it in this next winter, it was too early for anything but pansies, sure fun to look.

  2. I bet your embroidery looks 1000 x better than mine! The storage fee for late pick up is so smart. If it costs you productivity, it costs you money. Hi Kim. And. Happy Happiest Birthday!

    1. Thanks Sam. It is one of the smartest things I have ever done and I got the idea from you guys. You are so right about it costing me productivity. Those three ball gown dresses all fluffed out in the shop left me little room to move and that gets my ADHD going. Then I shut down. You can see it happening or read it happening. All three are out and I feel so much better about the space I get to work in. Dangling participle.

  3. Happy Birthday!! Be sure to eat some chocolate!

    1. I did and it was so good. My friend brought me 3 chocolate chip cookies and yum!

  4. Happy Birthday TOoooooo YOOUUuuuuu Kim! Yes thats me singing to you - out of tune!!! Wishing you the best day - do things just for YOU today. xx

  5. Happiest of birthday wishes! May your day be filled with love and laughter!

  6. I hope your birthday was everything you wanted it to be. I'm a little late with my wishes but I hope you had a wonderfully Happy Birthday!! Ranee (MN)

  7. Happy birthday! I hope you're having a great day. Best, Celie

  8. Happy Birthday, Kim! That's really sweet that your brother called and sang to you - my mom does that too. I'm happy you're taking another day off - yes, girl!! Enjoy!

    Love your late/storage fee - that is completely reasonable. Good job!

    1. It is so nice right now to go into the shop and not feel like I am being attacked by a white snowstorm. Thank you!

  9. Happy Birthday! So far, has anyone had to pay the storage fee? I wish I had gift certificates for Lowe's for flowers! Good for you!

    1. No! It has been the best thing I have ever established and every bride and bridesmaid that comes in gets the speech.

  10. A rather belated happy birthday from me. Not sure if I've commented on your blog before but I read it daily. Where do you get your energy and can I get a season ticket?

    1. I recognize you, and thank you. I think I was born active!
