
Friday, May 6, 2022

Friday, The cold is here!

 This is how I feel, and I don't think I even look this good. I've reached the stage of the cold is definitely here. I just want to crawl back into bed so bad.

I have three more prom dresses to do and when I get those done, I am going to go to bed.  I did take a dose of Dayquil and I am hoping once that sets in, I might feel a little better.

I keep coughing and changing my drawers, probably too much info, but I am sure most of you can understand.

My kitchen is dirty, my house needs a vacuum, there is ironing to do, and I swore I would not let that get ahead of me this summer. but right now, I really don't care.

Made myself a can of hot soup, something I rarely do, I just wanted something hot, before I entered the shop.

I did get 5 dresses done yesterday so three are tolerable for today.

 We need to buy per-lite, peat moss and some garden soil for our new bed.  I would like to get the flowers planted this weekend, but at this rate I don't think that is going to happen.

I can do this. She tells herself, as she enters the shop.

DO you ever have to talk to yourself to get your body to do something?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Recently I had a bout of bronchitis/pneumonia/asthma flair and had to revert to using disposable items with some extra padding to help with all the coughing side effect issues I had :-) Hopefully you will feel better soon!!

    1. Yes I have now gone through several pairs of jeans and switched to the bigger guns so to speak;(

  2. I hope you're feeling better soon. Being sick is miserable. Don't push yourself too hard. It sounds like rest is what you need.

    1. I finish my three dresses and the top that was due out that I forgot by 2:30 and I went to bed. It was lovely.

  3. I have to talk to myself to get me to do almost anything!
    Hope some sleep and appropriate drugs will help you turn the corner!

    1. As long as that corner turns into a donut shop...

  4. You have had too many bouts of illness lately kiddo. You need to take better care and slow down just a wee bit!!!! Hope you get to feeling better soon.

    1. Well the meds I take lower my immune system to almost nothing, so I do catch everything that comes along. The only thing I could do to stop this is live in a bubble. Just like my foot getting infected from a blister. I just have a watch and be careful. Traveling and getting on planes is a sure fire way to get sick. I just refuse to give in.

  5. I’m in the same stage of life. You are not alone. I talk to myself, too, and don’t care who hears it. Rest, the work will be there tomorrow.

    1. Well Deb sometimes I argue with myself and lose!

  6. Self pep talks. It's nightly. I say my prayers, then talk to myself that the next day I'll get it together. I hate colds. People still expect functional adults.

    1. I know me too. But I have decided not to function at full capacity. I am going to do what I feel I can and that is it.

  7. I am right there with you! I am literally exhausted lately. I think it must be allergies, but whatever it is, I am feeling my age! Take it easy, my friend. Hugs from rainy and damp Pennsylvania.

    1. It is rainy and damp here also. Not only in my nose but my pants....:)

  8. I understand. Why do you think I own 30 pairs of panties? Or, should I say underwear?

  9. Kim, I hope you are feeling better asap. Belinda at Frugal Workshop

  10. Oh, Kim! I had a long day of medical procedure yesterday, preceded by a day of, ahem, "cleansing" for said procedure,so totally totally got the underwear reference. I hope you can spend some of this weekend resting in hopes of getting ahead of the cold. Hugs, my friend.
