
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Tuesday, another chart, just shake your head

Finished another chart yesterday, with the few small things that were picked up and a little money left from groceries. So, I am onto 23 and far ahead of last year.

The house is still a shocking mess, and I don't care as I am going to finish my shop work before I worry about it. 

My chili yesterday was great and there is enough for dinner so no cooking.  I also made a large cucumber tomato salad with things from the garden. 

Sometimes I wonder about myself, well not even sometimes. let's say most of the time.

The one thing I did do as far as housework was concerned was get two loads of laundry washed and out on the line.  But I failed to bring them in last night and that was okay as there was no rain in the forecast. So, first thing this morning after making the bed I grabbed a laundry basket and headed out to get the dried clothes.

There was already a basket out there on the ground, and as I had two loads dried, I filled the first basket and grabbed the on dried, the ground and filled it with clothes.  Carried both in and emptied them onto the bed I had just made. 

Well, the basket that was on the ground had quite a bit of water in it from the sprinklers that went off this morning.  So, all the clothes at the bottom of the basket were soaked and the excess water was then dumped on the first basket of clothes and all over the quilt and coverlet on the bed.  And we are not talking about a little bit of water here. 

I had to strip off the coverlet and top quilt and haul them to line to dry and then sort through two baskets of clothes and see which were wet and which were not and then rehang them.  There were about ten pieces that had to be wrung out by hand they were so wet.  So much for Kim saving time.  When Hubs questioned me about the bed, I told him the story and he said the only good news about this is that I will probably never do it again.  He is right.  I hate it when he is right!!!

I ran to the post office and mailed off a pair of pants to a client.  It is cheaper to mail pants here from store, have me alter and mail to him than to try and get them done in the Boise area.  Where the wait times are over a month and the cost almost as much as my fee and postage. I also stopped at Joanns and bought bridal satin to put sleeves in a dress.

I am going to just work on wedding dresses today and see how many I can pump through.  I am hoping 4 or 5. I just want this shop a little less cluttered, it is getting claustrophobic. 

Schmills has lessons tonight so Hubs and I will have Kelsa and then Signe has to work tomorrow, and Nathan is up in Canada visiting his aged grandmother, so Signe' will spend the night with kids and then leave for the surgery in the morning. 

So, I am trying to decide besides dishes just how much housework I want to do with littles around tomorrow. 

Slug and Sissie are having fun, Sissie is taking Slug's to the commissary today and they have already stopped at Mcd's  and Slug's found change which she sent me a picture of to taunt me. Also, Sissie was up at 5 today getting paperwork done and then went to get Slug's a 1/2 cut tea this morning so she had one when she woke up.  (See that is the kind of care you get at Sissie's) THEN SHE PROCEEDED TO GET TWO PANS OF PISTACHIO BACKLAVA DONE BY 10 A.M. So now you know that I am not the only one!!!! Sissie always puts me to shame. I in the meantime was sorting already dry/wet laundry.

I am very, very jealous right now. I am also still a little damp.

Have you done anything stupid today?  Please share. Please!!!!!!

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Oh dear! I'm so sorry that happened but it does sound like something I would do. Just when I've mused adding not using my dryer to my list of possible September fiscal challenges. Maybe we could all virtually gather, find loose funds, snap pictures and taunt Sissie and Sluggy back.

    1. That would be so fun. I have relatives (many) in the Bemidji area. Horse farmers, or they breed horses. I did find a penny today and yesterday at the gas station where I get my free to me soda.

  2. SAM is now on Sissie and Sluggy's list!

    1. You stay away from SAM and my plans you two. No access to the secret handshake and code word.

    2. Oohh, Sluggy, you're going down. Lol. You all make me smile!

  3. Today???? I usually do something dumb on most days!!!! LOL

  4. Yes I have done something stupid yesterday Kim ... I measured a window for net curtains as the ones I had there were rotten. I then drove nearly an hour away to my nearest Spotlight store because nets were on sale ... could not find my measurements anywhere. Rang to ask Husband to check on table - he was not at home so could not. All I could remember was 1.10 cms drop but could not remember width as I have nothing in my head to hold this information in !!! Drove home again - searched for measurements - nowhere to be found. Gave up on the idea & then found them today down the side of my car seat while hunting for grandsons toy!!! Did you hear me yelling - that was me about mid morning!!!! 😫😫

  5. LOL... Sluggy and Sissie you crack me up!!

  6. I cut out a blouse, tshirt shape but nice top. I quickly sewed in a sleeve without pinning it since I was using a serger. Then, I grabbed the other sleeve and sewed it in quickly. When I held it up to look at it, I was appalled that I had inserted a sleeve in the neck! Taking out serging and redoing it is not easy to get two sleeves looking alike, but luckily I did. All this trouble was because I am fast. Mama said I sewed faster than anyone she had ever seen. But, sometimes it backfires. I am glad she did not see that. I was well into my forties when I did that. So, I cannot blame it on inexperience or old age. I hurried. It sounds like you hurried, too.

  7. Something stupid? I am sure I did something stupid yesterday, but it is already tomorrow here and I have forgotten!
    I did start swimming again yesterday which was one of the smarter things I have done lately. It looks like I might have to dodge thunderstorms to get my laps in today though.
    Sending pictures of the found cash is evil!

    1. Avoid thunderstorms, yes they are very mean to me.

  8. I made chili yesterday after you said you were having chili - thanks for the idea. It was so good and just cooked in the crockpot all day so it was easy with almost no cleanup.
