
Thursday, September 22, 2022

Thursday, welcome Fall

 I still can't believe that summer is over.  I turned off the air conditioner this morning, not that it will stay off as we will have many more days of well into the 90's in the next few weeks, but it is chilly this morning.

The garden plants that love cooler weather are producing like crazy.  Eggplant, green beans, cucumbers all are a little happier when it cools down. I picked a nice big bowl of green beans yesterday.

I will probably pick more cucumbers and make hubs the tomato, cucumber salad he loves. It will be sad when the garden is done, and I can't just run out there and grab something for dinner.

I have two piles of sewing to do today and 3 pairs of jeans to shorten and then that last wedding dress to tackle and I am done with my list of work for this week.  

There are three wedding dresses hanging ready to go, I just need final fittings. They should all be out by late tomorrow.  I can hardly wait.

The beaded dress is done except for the lining, which I can do on the machine.  I sewed by hand on that sucker for over 2 hours last night. Then as I was getting up to go in and sew the lining, I did one more snip of a thread and managed to cut myself badly with the tip of the scissors.  It was a slice of the middle finger on my left hand.  Also, a corner cut and quite deep so no way it would lay down and quit bleeding.  I was bleeding all over the place.  This is what happens when I get tired. Anyway, between hubs and I we finally were able to get some superglue on the cut and get a band aid on top of it. What a mess.

Kelsa is very into choosing her own clothes and outfits. Often it is several layers. This was yesterday's selection.  Her dad came around the corner and discovered a chicken in the house. (or a cluck, cluck as Kelsa calls them) By the way always wear a spare bathrobe.  She had to wear this all day and screamed if they tried to take off the headdress.  I think she needs lessons from Ephemera.  She has such style.  If you read her blog and see all the outfits she puts together, it is quite impressive. I do believe that Kelsa and Ephemera jumped off the same star, Kelsa just needs a few pointers from her role model. By the way a t-shirt can make a nice balaclava in a pinch.

Thrifty Thursday:

1. saved all my spare change

2. saved all my $5 dollar bills.  Now have 1185.00 so $40 this week.

3. saved a $1, $5, $10, $20 bill 

4. paid the house taxes for the year

5. ate all meals at home from food on hand except the one where we were invited out.

6. stocked up on butter that was on sale

7. picked, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, potatoes form garden to eat with meals

8. took neighbor to food bank and received, nectarines, prunes, dates, lettuce, cereal, fake crab, spinach, cans of condensed milk. Why would people refuse to take condensed milk?  They don't know what to do with it?

9. turned the air conditioner off a few days

10. used points at Albertsons for free items.

11. used the clothesline instead of the dryer

12. bought gas at least expensive station

13. used frozen pumpkin from last year for dessert

14. used coupons at Joanns for supplies

Well, I am off to get the rest of my sewing done and then it is onto housework.  I have such an exciting life.  I bet you guys are all jealous.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




  1. Good job on getting so much done. Ouch on the snip-snip of the finger!
    What a cute picture. Who knows what they think - who cares? She was loving it!

  2. She's so sweet. Knowing her own mind is great. As she gets older mom and dad can introduce choices that are weather, situation appropriate, but still let's her personality shine. Condensed milk would be a windfall. Might be worth a post on how it really can help a thrifty pantry.

    1. Well I know it will help with the pie season coming up!

  3. Before I retired and spent the past five years learning how to cook from scratch, I would have been the person who didn’t want condensed milk, for the exact reason you mentioned, I wouldn’t know what to do with it ;). We had homemade chicken noodle soup today, and my husband and I were talking about the 30 years we tossed chicken and Turkey carcasses….now it makes us sad we didn’t know what to do with them and how good our own soup could be ;). At least we figured it out eventually! Hilogene in Az

  4. I used to take a senior shopping every Thurs. and to pick up her food stamps and commodities. She had dozens of cans of evaporated milk on top of her fridge. She always offered me some but i only knew to use it in pumpkin pie. Hopefully, with age comes a modicum of wisdom.
    Love the picture of Kelsa! What a cutie!

  5. Kelsey is too cute! You had some great Thrifty things this week. Heal your hand quickly in Jesus name. Blessings for Harvest Lane Cottage, Laura

  6. Getting condensed milk would be a bonus. I can eat it with a spoon! When I cooked with it, if I opened the can a moment before I needed it, I would take little tastes until I had eaten too much. So, I quit opening it until seconds before I needed to add it to a recipe.
    Kelsa is so cute! I love her style. I wonder what she can put together for Halloween. I had a friend whose teen dressed in the strangest items and it was precious! She had her own style which was really cute.
    Cutting myself while sewing was so awful because of all the blood all over. Sometimes, I had to quit sewing for the day.

  7. I love Kelsa's style! She is a girl with her own mind. So sweet.

  8. I just have one thing to say to Kelsa: You Go Girl!!!!!

    1. I think we should all get tshirts and wear them like this to the beach

  9. Kelsa has some serious swag!!
    Hope the finger heals quickly.

  10. It was a chilly day yesterday, but it felt great. And Kelsey...gurrrl...go get them!
