
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Tuesday, Stick to the plan

 I did not sleep well last night, and boy am I tired today.  No chance I can get in a nap as it is take the neighbor to pantry day, and we have been invited out to dinner by some friends. Which is nice as I don't have to cook!

I had a long talk with my sister-in-law who has cancer last night. She had her chemo port put in yesterday and was very sore.  She has already lost a lot of weight and is worried about that.  I told her to eat, eat, eat as that is only going to get worse.  But she seemed really positive.

I was pleased with the progress I made on my weekly work list. Today I hope to get the one wedding dress finished and another started and ready for fitting.  The mother of the bride is a solid sequin dress and has to be taken up in the shoulders.  Which means I have to remove the sleeves.  With anything that is sequins it is a hard job.  But it must be done.  If I can get through those three items I will be thrilled.

We carved a pumpkin last night with William.  I know it is a little early, but he was so excited.  I will cut it up in a few days and cook it.  We have two more pumpkins for later.

Kelsa did not like the Jack o Lantern and was scared of it when we lit it at night.  She went running to Pop Pop and had to be held the whole time.  She also did not like the pumpkin insides and would not touch them.  William loved slimy pumpkin innards from the time he was two.  She is so different.

Well let's see what I can get done today as far as the list goes. 

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, they are so fun, but boy can she mess up a house.

  2. Girls and boys - men and women - Venus and Mars! LOL
    What a cute picture.

  3. Intrigued by the idea of a sequined MIL dress! Hope today is productive, & love the early Halloween cuties.

    1. Well lots of interruptions so not as much done as I wanted but I hope to make up for it today!

  4. I am with Hawaii Planner and curious about wearing sequins as a MIL dress. Seems a little reckless unless the bride requested it. I am in the "wear beige and keep your mouth shut" MIL arena.

    1. Just noticed it was the MOB dress...even more curious now.

    2. I will take a picture, actually it is lovely on her, beaded and sequins.

  5. I wore sequins at my daughter’s reception. I bought two dresses at the thrift store and hauled them by train all the way across the country… daughter loved it… lol. But we are kinda strange. Her wedding dress, when she was in the navy in Hawaii, was a $30 short white dress and she was married, for free, by her bishop, in the jungle, or that is what it looked like… lol. Everyone else wore Sunday best who stood there with her. No family attended because…. Hawaii. Low key wedding maybe eight fellow navy musicians. The families went to reception near where groom’s family lived in Salt Lake. That is where I wore a black sequined dress that also cost thirty bucks from thrift store. That was the one of the two dresses that she picked for me to wear… lol. We are the queens of the thirty dollar dresses! Cindy in the South

    1. The reception was a month after the wedding, so she was married in Hawaii, and the reception was in Salt Lake. Cindy in the South

    2. We also stayed for free at a friend’s condo in Park City and this was over Christmas. So daughter and her husband and their buddies who came for the reception all got to go skiing and stayed a night at the co do with us! Such fun! The reception was also held at the meeting room/party room in the subdivision where groom’s sister lives. I imagine it was cheaper than other spots. Like ai said, we are pretty low key. Both the groom’s family and my family. Cindy in the South

  6. That one tooth, snaggled-tooth jack o lantern is pretty mean looking. It looks as though he is holding her in place for the picture.

    Maybe you could finagle an invitation to dinner every night and never have to cook an clean it all up every night.

  7. Daughter 4 who went through chemo said to eat healthy HIGH CALORIE as she probably won't feel like eating much
