
Friday, December 2, 2022

Friday, Feeling better! Coin Bank!

 I took my coin bank in and I had $351.12 in my bank.  I add this to the $676.00 I had in my save a penny a day bank and that gives me over $1000 for my trip.  Woot! Woot!  These are two really easy ways to save if you have any extra money.  But if you are like most of us you will never have any extra money unless you work at it.  Money is just too easy to spend.

I also completed my last chart of the year.  There are still a couple of things to be picked up.  But I am done for the year.  I did not sew the last dress as it is due out Jan 17th I will do it when I get home.  I look at it like a seed for the shop.  January and February are notoriously slow so this is fine.

I also went to the carpet store and picked out new linoleum for my shop and new carpet for the spare room.  I made an appt for installation on the 10th of January.  This means I have to get home, get that dress done and paint both rooms and get them ready for new flooring.  

Sissie is supposed to come in January to help me reset the shop.  This way I am on the books.  Now I have only to wrap the gifts  that stay here and pack including all the paperwork for the cruise and passports and such.

We have the grand kids tomorrow as Signe' has to work at a fundraiser at Will's school. We also have a church Christmas party tomorrow night.  Hubs is a wise man ( I think it should be wiseguy) so I knocked up a costume for him with some yardage and I have to make a large green beans casserole.  We will take the kids with us.

So three days left before we leave and I am trying to make sure everything is done.   Go to phone store to get international sim cards. Pay a couple of last minute bills.  Make sure animals are cared for and a schedule for those who come in to do so.

I am feeling good enough to go and visit a friend and my Lil sis tonight.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




  1. Y’all have fun on the cruise! Cindy in the South

  2. I am pleased to read you are feeling better Kim .. I hope you have a wonderful time on the cruise. December is such a crazy busy month.

  3. I wish I could get rid of carpet in one of Tommy's bedroom where I want to sew. I would not need flooring as the floors are nice wood. It will be fun seeing your "new" shop. I am glad you are better for your trip!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Dear Anonymous, use your own blog to be negative and mean no mine.

  4. Yay feeling better!!!! Sounds like you have it all under control. It will be a busy couple weeks when you get back. New flooring will be nice.
    Hoping you have a wonderful, safe and healthy trip! You will be missed here!

    1. Just tying up all the loose ends. Have a Merry Christmas!

  5. I'm glad you're feeling better. The change savings is great. I wonder what I have in my croissants and baguette canister? I'm sure my daughter has hundreds and hundreds in change in her assorted banks, and will need once she's launched after graduation. Your party sounds fun- can't beat a good gathering with good home cooked food.

  6. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Have a wonderful trip!!

  7. So glad you are feeling better!! Nice work with the change savings. I collect a lot of savings, because teens leave it around the house & in their laundry & I collect them.

    1. I know when the girls were home I saved everything they dropped.

  8. I’m happy to hear that you’re feeling better, Kim. I am wishing safe travels for you. Great job on the saving money, $1,000 for your trip is wonderful! Thank you very much for your sweet comment about our cat, Beaux Gatsby, passing away. I hope you have a great Sunday. 😊

    1. Thanks Belinda and you have a very Merry Christmas.

  9. You have a wonderful holiday. Enjoy.

    God bless.

  10. Glad you are feeling better, Kim! :-) As I was catching up on your posts, I was concerned that you might have strep throat. Only had it once in my life and waited until my early forties! 🙄 Had to cancel Christmas celebrations that year--didn't want to risk transmitting it!

    Take care of yourself, please, and enjoy your travels! 🛳️ (That's supposed to be a cruise ship! Difficult to tell on my phone! LOL)

    ... Taja 🏜️

    1. When I get strep I know it. You have to die to get better. This was just a cold virus, but it was a stinkin one.

  11. Woo, you're off on a cruise! How amazing. If you stop on the west coast (i.e. Victoria, BC, Canada) drop me a line!

    Good work on your savings. The thing I find harder now is that we use so little cash. I do add all the change I can collect into a jar, but it takes so much longer to fill it. On the plus side, since Canada uses $1 and $2 coins, it adds up really quickly!!

    Enjoy your holidays!

    1. I can't wait to get on the plane and then on the boat. I will relax once I get there!
