
Monday, March 27, 2023

Monday, I found May!

 Okay two of my favorite people with a MCWeevil. I am still coughing and wetting my pants, but no aches or pains.  Spent the weekend mostly down, taking naps and just doing nothing.

The kids took me out for a lovely dinner on Friday, my fever had broken Thursday night.  Then we went to Lil sis's for cake and ice cream.  I was wiped out after and went home to bed.  Signe' came with me and of course my sidekick Kelsa.  Who by the way does kick your side when she sleeps with you.

Slugs called me yesterday and I made a discovery!  What you ask?  I found my May!  Yes, in Kim's bleak grieving brain May had disappeared. Like Joel had taken it to heaven.  It was gone. 

I am frantically trying to get all the wedding dresses for June out because I will be gone two weeks in April, and I don't want to get home with only a few days of June to get dresses out. As in April, June, July. Now we all know my brain is anything but linear but to lose an entire month.  I have a gift.  I mean this has haunted me for several weeks.  Like in my mind May completely disappeared.

Now I have a whole 31 more days to get this work out and I feel so much better.  What is wrong with me?  Don't answer that.

Thanks for all the well wishes for my birthday.  65 who would have thought?

I did get the taxes ready to go to the accountant. So that is one large bother out of the way.  Now I just have to make phone calls for fittings and pickups. 

My main problem is I don't want to do anything, and I have to. 

I am trying all sorts of ways to motivate myself, but they are not working.

Any ideas? I am plum out of ideas for motivation.



  1. Yay for discovering you have a whole extra month!
    I am so sorry at how overwhelmed you must be feeling. Grief is so inconsiderate and doesn't seem to care that life is still happening. Take care of yourself and take it one day at a time. Good that you have friends and family helping and encouraging you.

  2. Happy belated birthday Kim! Yay! on finding your May!

  3. Glad you are feeling better and Happy Birthday! We are the same age! My big birthday is later in the year....hello Medicare. You are so funny all the time but I loved this quote; "My main problem is I don't want to do anything, and I have to."
    Pretty much sums up every day in my life.....

    1. Yes I have not lost my sense of humor that is for sure.

  4. I know how you feel I just took up watercolor painty good way to clear your mind and let go

    1. Sometimes we just have to do something odd to get back on track.

  5. Glad you are feeling better and got an entire month added back ;). I have no good ideas how to get motivated. I decided to sell our house, it is listed starting today. My goal, before it listed, was to clean out the garage. Ha! Over the last month, I have spent maybe an hour out there…totally not interested in doing it. The realtor said, leave everything as it is, it will help sell the house. Woohoo! So down I sat to read…heaven help me when the house sells, I will pay the price. But for now, I am busy reading ;). I was thinking of you last week. Stu and I were together 41 years and I was moping that it was over. Then I thought, holy cow, we had 41 years together, how greedy could I be? Some people only get a few years with their beloved. Somehow that made me feel better, and thought maybe it would help you. Hilogene in Az (the ripe old age of 66)

    1. I am hoping I can make it a year and the house is not too much for me to handle. We will see. But I know how you feel. I wanted so badly to make it to 50 we would be 44 this April 11.

  6. Glad you are feeling better - just don't over do it! That is funny - you lost May!!! So happy you found it!

  7. I bribe myself with time to read. If I get X chores done, I can read for 15 minutes. I try to read on the elliptical, which is a combo light workout & reading time. But, sometimes I just sit & read a trashy romance novel & savor the moment.

  8. A month is a wondrous thing to find when you are fearing falling behind. Good for you. How did you lose it? Drop it out of your pocket?
    My oldest daughter kicked me in the side, too, when she slept with me when she was tiny and sick. And, then when she was older, she told people she could not sleep with me because I kicked her. She probably still says that.
    It sounds like you had a good birthday after all.

  9. So glad you rediscovered May!😄I totally understand the feeling of not wanting to do anything…! Maybe do something rewarding and fun in between- like planting seeds or quilting? I know I don’t know what I’d do without knitting! Wishing you the best of luck🥰Ricki

    1. I just have too much to do but finding an extra month to do it is is some what motivating.

  10. Glad you found May and that gives you more time to get things done.

    Hopefully soon you will want to do things/get things done again. It will take awhile but you will get there.

    God bless.
