
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Tuesday, Aunties last day!

 Here she is trying frantically to finish a bright colored quilt!  At 88 years of age this woman is a slave driver.  She just goes and goes.  She is amazing!  I am going to miss her so much.  Look at her down on her knees on that hard floor.!

Lil sis is taking us out to dinner tonight, so I am excited about that. I am worried about not having anyone here as I have not been alone since Joel's death.  Just typing Joel's death about kills me. But look I must be getting better as I typed it twice. It has been almost 3 months, so I do believe it is time to rip off the bandage.

Nathan is driving Aunty up to Spokane tomorrow, as the kids do not want me driving 2 hours home alone.  They are afraid I will be too emotional.  They are probably right. 

I just found out an old grade school friend lost his wife to a major heart attack.  They had been married 46 years and were high school sweethearts. What is scary is we always thought this was happening to the older generation and it is happening to us.  We are the older generation. Unexpected things can happen so fast. Hold on and love hard is all I can say.

I sewed hard all day into the evening yesterday but was not able to get to a wedding dress or my plants. Hopefully today I can knock out a couple of dresses. I still have one pair of jeans I need to replace a zipper on before I start on a wedding dress. 

I already had an appointment this morning and the dress is a nightmare, but I do love a challenge.  I also have two more coming in today. Just sew busy.  Pardon the pun. 

I keep wondering if I will do better at getting the sewing done with Aunty not here, but I don't know? She certainly is not bothersome or in my way.  I just think that maybe I will concentrate more when I am alone because I will need to in order to fight the loneliness. Realize I will still have Kelsa a couple of days a week if not more and the kids stop in constantly.  Thank goodness for my kids. I am so blessed. Also, Lil sis is just 5 minutes away and often stops by for lunch.  She says I am the cheapest restaurant in town and the service is great! 

Sew much to do, sew much to do.  Sew I am off to do it!

You guys got any wild plans for today?  Do tell.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




  1. Too bad your Aunty couldn't just live with you? Don't push yourself. Thinking of you. Janie

    1. I would love that, but she does have her own children and I don't know how they would feel.

  2. Yes, it will be quiet for a while - but you learn to listen to the radio or just keep something playing in the background. Eventually that fades too.
    Spring is around the corner - it was for me as well - so a chance to work outside and plant and grow and just enjoy nature. It ALL helps!!!!!!! Your work is so precise that it should keep your mind occupied some as well.
    Just my two cents.
    Have a great day.

    1. You are right Cheryl and I love nothing better than playing in the dirt.

  3. Greetings from the desert southwest. I am wishing I had sewing to do…or something other than my to do list. ;). I have finally started going through stuff in the detached garage. I successfully stalled for a month since I used to call it my husbands lair. Since it completely overwhelms me due to the enormous amount of stuff I have to sort through, I am now attempting an hour a day. I did half an hour today but made a good start. Why sort you ask? Well, some stuff will be given away (vintage motorcycle parts), other stuff going to a different person along with a motorcycle but I need to keep all those parts together), some stuff sold (ammo reloading eqt) and some stuff I want to keep. So that happens first, then the rest goes to the estate sale pile of treasures. Holy cow, 900 sq feet of stuff that I have to pick up, and decide what to do with. I have set a date of the end of March to get through the garage, so I need to shift into a higher gear pretty soon;). Glad you are posting more, and glad that we made it this far. Hilogene in Az.

    1. I still have two shed to go through and I have no idea when I will do that. I just have to get the June wedding dresses out and they keep coming in. Yikes!

  4. Sorry your aunt is going home, but your kids are still there and your sister. Like you I would want to stay busy and focused on something.When I do get to sew, I usually have an audio book in the background, then I have two things to focus on. Sending hugs and prayers your way!

    1. Thanks Kathy. Because I taught dance so many years and I had to listen to music it became an annoyance to me. Now I think it might comfort.

  5. Hug's, Kim. I had four nights alone after my son went home then my daughter was home for spring break, now alone again except for the dogs. Let me tell you, I am happy for them. My sister's and friends have been lifeline. I struggle being with his family- I can't explain why, but interaction has been minimal anyway.

    1. Virtual hugs Sam. Cindy in the South

    2. Oh Sam I think of you constantly. I can understand your feelings, although I do not have those with family just friend at church. They all gather around and then I melt down. Joel's family tries to stay close, and I appreciate it, but their problems are so different than mine. Still they try as they care. But I totally understand. I have yet to have a night alone and I am scared to death. You are much braver than I.

  6. That is a beautiful quilt! This is your busy season so you will probably be swamped in a week or two. Cindy in the South

  7. Your Aunt is amazing. If I get on the floor I need to have a plan on how I am going to get up!!

    God bless.

    1. I know she just scares me sometimes she is so active.

  8. Auntie sure is amazing & she does beautiful work! Please remember that grief has no timeline Kim. You don't have to 'rip off the band aid' until you are ready. Give yourself time to process the loss & come to terms with it. It could take mere weeks or it could take years. You don't have to rush it. I'm glad you have the kids & grandkids close by. You are never far from my thoughts my friend. Praying for you, Hilogene & Sam. Sending love & hugs.

  9. I think about that--how dying happened to the old folks. But, now I am the old folks and friends are dying.
    Maybe aunt can come back for a long visit now and then. Kelsa can keep your mind off everything. Has Kelsa looked for Joel.
    We had two exciting visits to two pharmacies where we sat forever, waiting for out prescription.

    1. She asked for him at first now she just sees his picture and says, "their is Papa

  10. Another beautiful quilt! Well, since it's already 11:30 p.m. here, I'll tell you my wild plans are for tomorrow: more knitting! I'm a fairly new knitter, and I have spent more time "tinking" (trying to fix mistakes) than I have actually knitting...

  11. Here's hoping the transition goes better than expected, and you adjust to being on your own. Sending big hugs, & sewing productivity karma!

  12. My daughter and her two youngest children came to dinner last night. It was a great time. Sure love my littles.
