
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Tuesday, Forcing myself

 Look at this wood nymph, she brings me such joy! I had a busy weekend.  No grandkids, and I was able to get things cleaned up around here. It is still not perfect, but the yard is straightened up and may only stay that way until the kids are back in town.

No grandkids here this week, so I have no excuse not to get things done and what do I do?  Nothing. I know Sissie wants to kill me, but I just can't get myself to motivate in any direction.  Well except eating Oreos and watching Netflix. I seem to be able to do those two things.

Sunday was the 6 month anniversary of Joel's death and I spent it with my two youngest.  I slept between them after eating pizza and way too much chocolate.

I have sew so much to do and I just don't want to do anything.  It is awful to feel so useless. But I am trying I really am.



  1. Pizza and chocolate are two important food groups. It helps you sleep and your choice of bedmates was soothing.
    Can you run faster than Sissie?
    Kelsa is so cute!

  2. Yesterday was six months since Stu passed away. Not sure when Sam has the six month date, soon I know. I decided to start an exercise program and eating more nutritious food as a way to mark the date. I wanted to pick some changes that he would say was a good use of my time. So once I get in shape a bit, I will start on self defense skills. I know that would be something he would really support. Otherwise, I meet with the interior designer tomorrow to look at paint colors and flooring ideas, so there is slow and steady progress there. Some days though it is very hard to keep going this direction when I never wanted to change in the first place. Kelsa is adorable! Hilogene in Az

  3. Oreos and Netflix sounds like the perfect date to cope with Joel's 6 month departure. You've got the cutest nymph I've seen this week :-)

  4. What an absolutely gorgeous little girl! She’s a keeper!
    It doesn’t seem possible that it’s been six months already. Pizza, oreos and netflix sound like great choices.

  5. Hello, lovely friend. If we lived closer, I'd bring the Oreos. Double Stuff. Hugs.

  6. Kelsa, makes a lovely woodnymph. You are doing well for it only being 6 months since Joel passed away. Time will help.

    God bless.

  7. What a cutey!!!!!! You are doing much better than you give yourself credit for. There is no set time in which to feel any better. You get a lot done - stop being hard on yourself. We will support you!!!!!!

  8. She is adorable! Cindy in the South

  9. It's called grief Kim. The hardest part is when everyone else have moved on with their lives & you're still struggling to come to terms with your loss. Please don't beat yourself up over it. You are not useless Kim. It is perfectly normal to go through those phases. So enjoy your Oreos, netflix, donuts and whatever else makes you happy. Don't let anyone rush your grieving process either. There is no timeline for grief. Sending you lots of love & hugs. Kelsa is so adorable!

  10. Oreos and Netflix sounds like just what the doctor ordered! May I suggest the dark chocolate stuffed oreos too.

  11. You had me at Oreos! The Netflix is just the icing on the cake!
