
Monday, July 10, 2023

Monday, Tired


Had the kids Friday, Sat, Sunday and I am beat. Kelsa keeps you constantly hopping. I need a week to recover, and I don't have time to relax right now.

Had an early morning eye appointment with specialist and moved to new drops this one without steroids.  Another appt. in 6 weeks.

Sissie comes in two days and I am not going to worry about the house, she can deal with it when she gets here.

Have three more wedding dresses to get out or at least started before next week.  Actually, I want them done by next Monday and out of the house. I just want some time getting projects done around here with my Sissie.

Grandma and Schmills.  Such a nice 4th this year.

I am very sleepy, but I need to get started on altering a wedding dress from hell and starting another.




  1. I hope your Sissie lets you rest...

  2. Glad to see you post. You were missed last week. Don't over work yourself. What a cute pic!!!

  3. Great photo of you two! Nice smiles ;). Hilogene in Az.

  4. I am pretty sure you will not be resting when Sissy gets there.
    She is not even my sister but she told me I have too many things and need to get rid of stuff.

  5. It’s great to see you,posting, Kim. I hope the new drops for your eyes work.

  6. Great photo. You look lovely. And, enjoy the time with sissie!
