
Friday, October 6, 2023

Friday, Running!


I'm running!  Not up to speed yet, but I am telling you I think this might be my answer to the depression I have been in for the last few months. I just feel so positive. I hope it lasts.

I do have to say that there is not a schedule yet, as Signe' has had breaks in her work schedule and we have run during the day, and in the morning.  But I do have to get some kind of schedule that works with the shop.

The shop has slowed down enough that I feel like I can take off for an hour, but I still think I will just have to do mornings like I used to years ago. 

I ran 2 miles today and want to work up to a 3-mile run 5 days a week. Also, I think I fell asleep faster, and I slept better. Or maybe this is all just illusion.

Anyway, spent the last two days forcing myself to read, The Night Circus, which I hated. It is one thing to read a book you hate for a class, but for a book club it is painful.  I did it, that is all I can say.  But the time wasted, when I could have been doing something more meaningful. But then again it does open you to different genres, and you get to see what other people like. It gives you a look inside their minds. Like I want someone looking inside my mind......

I have so much to do before I leave for Sissies.  And I just found out I am going away for a week over Thanksgiving. I will go to my eldest daughter's house.  I am excited.

Going out to dinner with my friend tonight, as I have not eaten a meal since I got back from my trip last week.  Cereal, yogurt, candy, chips, diet coke, apples, plums, just general grazing.  So, if I go out, I will eat a meal.

I am thinking of cooking dinner on Tuesday and Wednesday, as those are the days that Kelsa and Will take lessons. They are here in town, and it would save the kids from trying to work and cook. It is an idea.

I am giving Will piano lessons and that is interesting. He is very musical. Got the new choir piece for November and it changes key 4 times, plus timing three times, so I have to really pay attention. When I play for the children's group that is the hardest thing for me is to change keys from one song to the next. I will start the new song in the key that the previous song was in, and it is not good.  ADHD at its finest.

Well, I need to get some sewing done today as I did not get anything done yesterday. I did get another wedding dress in, but it is for December. I will not get to it until I get back from Sissie's.

Well, I am off! In more ways than one.



  1. Congratulations on running again! I am not a runner, more of a walker, so the concept of starting at 2 miles is beyond my comprehension. For the past three months I have gone to the gym and done strength training so I do get a bonus point for that. Took off the ten pounds that DH and I put on last year, so another point for that. Your upcoming fall sounds action packed, that will be a good…especially since the words 20 wedding dresses aren’t included ;). Happy October, Hilogene in Az.

  2. Yay! I just walk an hour four days a week. My knees and ankles cannot take running but I am so happy you can and it helps you. I always sleep better on the days I walk. Have fun at Sissies! Cindy in the South

  3. YAY!!!!! Good job. Exercise truly is good for the mind and soul!!!!!

  4. Maybe running is the key for you. Walking a mile every evening did that for me once. The stress was palpable rolling off my shoulders. I actually thought someone had me by the shoulders. It became a good feeling. If I had had a bike at that time, I would have ridden it several miles, but walking did the job. I struggled to walk the mile because of my back. Have you thought about cooking enough for both days on the first day?
    I knew a teacher whose only son was killed when he was a teen. The doctor told her to walk. She did every day for 30 years. She said it was the only thing that helped.

  5. So hopeful for you on the running side. It makes such a difference for me!

  6. Yea you! I find that the more active I am through the day, the better I sleep (I do a cardio and/or walk).

    I do NOT finish bad books for bookclub. Like you, I value my time so I just don't.

    Happy weekend!

  7. "ADHD at its finest." I don't suffer, or maybe I do, but mask. That said, I know people who do have the diagnosis, and they are the most brilliant and successful people in their chosen fields, IN SPITE of public schools and society subjecting them to constant microaggressions, if not outright cruelty.
