
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Tuesday, Snow Day

 The sun is shining it is 7 degrees outside, Joel used to do all the shoveling. This is hard.  Don't know how to start the snowblower.

Nate is working overtime on the prairie with all the accidents.  Both kids are here, and daughter stayed the night and will likely stay again tonight as the roads are so bad.

I did get out yesterday to pay a few bills and then realized it was a national holiday, stopped to feed the farm and realized she is out of chicken feed due to the amount the birds are eating, so will run get a bag from the feed store when I take the kids to gymnastics.

Planning on making a large pot of German sausage/potato soup with homemade biscuits for dinner. 

Garage cats water bowl keeps freezing, so I am out there several times a day putting in new water. Just realized I need to add cat chow to the feed store run. 

Roscoe loves the snow.  He goes out and rolls and plays in it.  The cold does not seem to bother him. But then again, he can come in whenever he wants, so maybe that would be a different story if he had to stay out. 

Well, I need to get some sewing done so off I go.



  1. That Arctic Vortex is playing havoc in both our countries. I was going to go shopping today, but decided with the new lenses being put in my glasses, banking, picking up prescriptions and hair cuts was enough being out in the cold. We will just wait a day or two longer.

    God bless.

    1. I have to go pick up a prescription and get a few groceries and I don't want to.

  2. Stay off the roads unless necessary. IF you go get chicken feed and cat food, look into a heated water bowl. They simply plug in and keep water from freezing. I have 3 out for critters now. We are in single digits here and the water stay liquid.

  3. The internet is full of people using thrift store crock pots set on 'Warm' as a way to keep animal water from freezing. In my part of Texas it was 15 degrees this morning, but is predicted to be 70 on Thursday. I am ready.

  4. Kim, stay safe out there if you do have to get out to the feed store. Chickens will eat a lot of food you already have in your home like produce and such.

    1. Well, if it didn't freeze before it hits the ground!

  5. Do chickens have corn? That keeps them warm. Probably other grains, too. Be careful out on foot and in car.

    1. I picked up a bag of feed yesterday so we are safe.

  6. I'm also keeping a constant check on the stray kitties' water bowl that keeps freezing over here in Mississippi. This deep freeze just won't leave! I wasn't built for this! Please be safe!
