
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wednesday, Plodding along

 I bought a lemon last night at the store.  No particular reason other than to be aware that I had a lemon in the fridge.  Just in case.....

Today I have a set of Military dress blues to alter.  They are ripped and ready.  Then I have a formal to hem and a wedding dress to finish.

If I can get through all of those I will be happy.

I have to pick the kids up this afternoon about 2:30 as Nathan goes to work and then take Kelsa to Ballet.

So I will plod through the uniform and then on with the show.



  1. Ah ha! I think you've cracked the code. Just buy a lemon and we'll never be forced to accept them from life.

  2. Wow I'm always amazed at how much sewing you can get done in one day!

    1. And I am totally amazed by how little I get done.

  3. Good advice about the lemons.

  4. I have a couple of lemons in my fridge as well. I think I better slice and freeze them to go in my glass of water.

    You sure get a great deal of sewing done in a day.

    God bless.

  5. I bought a lemon the other day, just because also. Now I have to figure what to use it for so it won't ruin.

  6. Lemons are so good for you. Drinking a cup of hot water with lemon every morning is supposed to be good for you.
