
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Wednesday, Sunny and Cold


" As the days get longer the cold gets stronger." That is what is going on here.  We finally get sun, but it is frosty and cold outside. Which really is okay as I would want to be outside if it was warm and I have no problem staying in the warm shop.

Aunty is busy quilting and having a ball.  I hope... She is using a satin material, and it is harder to work with. But the quilt is beautiful!

I have two more wedding dresses done and ready for pickup and I have another that will have a fitting this afternoon.   It is very hard.  I had to take it up in shoulders.  This meant removing the cap sleeve and putting it back in.  I also had to remove and take in a zipper which I almost always refuse to do but there was no other way. Don't worry Anne I am charging.!!!

I have one more dress due out for May and then I will start on June dresses. There are 30 pairs of pants in here to shorten and I have 6 pairs for my little person and those always take much longer as they have to be tapered.

Kelsa is here today, tonight and tomorrow.  Spring breaks are coming up for schools so I will have the kids more this month.  I want to get somewhat caught up in shop, ha-ha so I can do some fun things with them.



  1. Nice that your aunt is enjoying herself. You sure keep busy. I could never do that tedious work. You rock.

    1. It does get tedious, but I love the finished product and the money!

  2. I'm glad you have company. Is aunty part of Hawaii crew? Spring break is next week here, so I'll hear kids playing outside all day. That's always nice.

  3. It sounds as if your Aunt is really enjoying herself. Spring break ended here last week. But the teachers are having rotating strikes so one never knows when the kids will be around and enjoying all our snow.

    God bless.

    1. Oh yes she is the main reason. She has never been to Hawaii and wanted to go so bad last year. SO I said I would take her this year. After all it is her 90th year around the Sun. SO Hawaii here we come!

  4. As long as it is sunny, the cold is not a problem. Of course, I do not work outside or play outside. DST starts this weekend, so more sunshine.

  5. Jre. I got called down to babysit a sick 13 month old yesterday afternoon for two days of daughters work meetings that she couldn’t miss but had been going to watch a 8 year old for Thursday night after school overnight in my town so shuffling things around and drove down to the cities last evening. I’m glad I could help as she never asks. With 13 grandkids I’m glad to help if I can. But 8 are teens! Now. And two of those in college!! The time goes by so fast. (I also have a 17 year old who is staying with me for a couple of weeks as she’s not getting along with her mom but this is short lived and they need to fix this!) I get anxiety worrying too much
