
Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday, Kay's DC house is in the bag!

 My feelings exactly. I am very happy for my Sister, one less thing to worry about and it was so easy.  She was very blessed.

Finally got the rock slope cleaned off and what a job.  There are still a few piles of sticks to clean up and I will need to spray again but other than that it is done.

Now we have to focus on the lawn which is a mess.  But Dan and I are going to do the front section first.  We have almost all the bad turf up and we have to lay new potting soil then we have to fertilize and put in grass seed.  Then keep it damp.  This is going to be a process. 

All I can do is take one thing at a time.  There is still a ton of weeding and spraying to do and I just try a get a little done every day.  Having vertigo has put a damper or should I say a new spin on things.

I have some piles to do and a couple of bridesmaid dresses, also a zipper and some curtains to hem and then I want to get started on at least 2 wedding dresses. Sis is running around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to get everything finalized. I am watching her and shaking my head.

Kelsa and William are here today, and they spent the night last night.  School let out last week for William, so we will see a lot more of him.  Well, I am going to get to sewing so I am not in trouble with Sissie when she gets back from her errands. 

Sissy here!  Well, the House in DC is sold, and I have spent 3.5 hours on the phone. disconnecting Utilities and Homeowners Insurance etc.  This is because no one answers the phone anymore, and you have to press 1 through 10 to get a live body and that might take 25 minutes on hold!  Love the post Covid world.

At least I did not end up in the Philippines with Roosters crowing in the background. Love those phone calls!

I have Sissy (Kim) slaving away in the Sewing shop and I am trying to handle the details between phone calls.  We have solved many mysteries today of missing cards for Clients... I won't go into great detail, but Sissy (Kim) needs a do over for organizational   skills... we will work on that as time progresses...

Husband is working in yard, and I am seriously trying not to hurt the Greats and they are driving me crazy... I have another phone call to make ... so give me time to finish...still waiting for the Title Company to call me with final numbers for cash sale as I have to wire funds...and this has not been a walk in the park it has just been hurry up and wait and make a dozen phone calls.  I am not a patient person and I do my job and expect others to do theirs!  This is not however how the world works... and I can get cranky as Kim will tell you!  If I make mistake or keep you holding, I will fess up and say I am sorry and explain why as I know all too well that life gets in the way.  But do not play stupid (although you cannot fix just goes on and on and on...) Oh I am crabby today so forgive me.  Still waiting...

Kim took a nap today!




  1. The pressing buttons world is horrendous! I am glad the house sold and all loose ends are tied up now.

  2. So happy the home situation is a go! Kim baby steps. You can't get everything done in a month or summer. You have to continually work on things and do what you can and let the rest wait. Patience is a virtue!

  3. So glad you got the DC house sold! So,
    is the closing going to happen on the house in Idaho? Inquiring (nosy) folks wanna know… me!!!!!!!! Cindy in the South

    1. Oops, I reread previous post! So the closing on the Idaho house happens Wednesday! Prayers and fingers crossed!!!! So much juggling going on for one week!!!!! Wow! Cindy in the South

    2. Yes and the new house tomorrow. I am so excited for my sister.

  4. Trying to reschedule a doctor's appointment is an exercise in patience, because they do not have a direct line. You leave a message, then they call YOU back. Well, if you are busy & miss their call? You start the cycle again. About to drive me absolutely bananas. Why can't their be someone answering the phones?! (Hawaii Planner)

    1. Customer service is not what it used to be that is for sure.

  5. Huzzah on the DC house wrapping up! Sissy you are amazing, as is Kim!

    1. Thank you as Sissie is trying to convince me I am a worthless slob but I know better.
