
Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday, What got done edition?

 This little duck has my hair! It was a whirlwind of a weekend. I started Friday, by making a grocery list and then going to three stores to get the best prices.  Kelsa was spending the night as Signe' was going tup to the airport in Spokane to pick up my grandson James. 

When I got home from groceries, Kelsa and I made pie crusts, and froze several, then we peeled apples and made one large Dutch apple pie, and Kelsa made two patty pan pies for her Dad. I was able to serge the wedding dress, but that is all I got done Friday.

Saturday, vertigo was awful. I managed to hem wedding dress and get my girlfriends things done.  Then I ripped one of the bridesmaids' dresses. SIs came home about 3 and helped me put together the charcutier boards, and I went to reception.  I was pretty dingy, as in was very careful how I moved. Home and to bed, where I belonged.

Sunday, church and I took my pie, spent the afternoon with sisters for a while.  Had dinner and Signe' brought the three grandkids down and I will have them until Wednesday evening.  Sissie not excited about that as they are noisy and messy. I made strawberry pancakes for breakfast this morning. Dan is over at the new house Painting, and Sissie just went to the dump in my car to take all the wrappings from the oil paintings to the landfill.

I am going to finish up those bridesmaid dresses I did not get done and work on a couple bags of things, like hem 7 pairs of shorts, and replace 3 zippers. Another wedding dress came in this morning, so it is never ending here. I have so much to do in the next two weeks before we leave for Quebec!

What is going on in your neck of the woods?



  1. I truly do not know how you do it with feeling so badly. Watching kiddos sure would not be in my mixed bag, if I had to watch my movements. You seriously need to take care of YOU for a while.

    1. There really is not much they can do for vertigo. but let it run it's course. I lay down and stop when it is bad.

    2. Jre actually I went to PT which commonly does treat vertigo and it was very helpful. That’s a fairly standard treatment for vertigo plus Meclazine which is now OTC. I’m sure you’ve checked in with your Dr.? If not please do. As I know how miserable it is.

  2. Have you seen a physician for the vertigo?
    I feel so bad for you honey.
    I'm glad you have family.
    Feel better soon.

    1. I have good days then a set back, but nothing like it has been. I am just more careful.

  3. Quebec??!! What?When?Why? And "I" was not consulted??

    1. I am going with Signe's family. She asked me last January. I will be the babysitter.

  4. I know the kids are fun but couldn’t they go to another sitter while you recover? I can’t imagine an attack with them under your care. A lot of worry.

    1. Kay and Dan are close by if not here so it is not a worry.

  5. I had just a bit of vertigo and could not have gone out in public even walking with walker. And, I would not walk with anything in my hands. Give me your secret for functioning safely with a bad case of vertigo! I need it. Now, I want apple pie, and I have apples here waiting to be used. Why are you going to Quebec?

    1. Well, I don't drive, and I just lay down when it is really bad. The first three days when it initially attacked I was bed ridden.

  6. Girl, I just can not believe how much you get done even with vertigo. You need to get some rest and get rid of that problem.

    God bless.

    1. It comes and goes. Most of the time I am fine and then woop in it comes.

  7. Oh wow Quebec! That sounds amazing! I literally cannot get out of bed with vertigo. I crawl to the bathroom. I sure hope the vertigo clears up soon. Cindy in the South

    1. I was like that at the beginning but now I can function, I am just careful.

  8. There are many ways to recover from vertigo naturally and many reasons do stem from stress, unfortunately. As a recovered person this way I suggest looking up how to heal from vertigo naturally. The article does support seeing a doctor if the long list of ways either doesn't interest nor after at least one full day improve the vertigo. God bless you.

  9. I'm sorry you are feeling poorly, Kim, and hope you can get some relief soon.

  10. Agree with everyone else - can you get a sitter for the kids while you're recovering from vertigo? I'm sure they are a delight, but also a ton of work, and you need to rest & recover. (Hawaii Planner)

  11. If I was really down Kay and Dan would be here to help me, My grandkids also know that grandma lays down.

  12. I work during vertigo attacks also. Sit down on stairs to go up or down, been known to crawl across floors. Hubby just steps over me any more. Are you still having wild fires that might have triggered it? Hubby's ENT doctor said she found more vertigo patients in and it came from the wild fires triggering sinus/ear issues.
