
Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Anticipation is Killing Me!

Kim trying to hide from Kay, but vertigo
laid me into the closet. 

 Sissy here...the house has passed inspection, and we close on our property in DC on Monday the 10th, then on Wednesday the 12th for the Lewiston property.  So, it is a waiting game as anything can go wrong in Real Estate.

I am keeping the purple carpet, and the Deer Heads leave for Missoula on Friday afternoon!  Yeah! (I so told you I would manage, evil Twin that I am) Okay so how did I manage this you ask?  I promised Hubby two new Dewalt power tools.  Yep, that is how I did it!

I have picked out carpet for my bedroom and it is in stock, and I offered Cash if they can do it right away! 

Cash is King!

It is 10:57 here and Sissy finally came into the Shop.  I have been up since 4:00 which was too early but could not sleep.  So, I have managed to burn two loaves of Banana bread, been to the dump with a load of cardboard as Kim's recycle is full and have been to Wal Mart to pick up two more large bags of potting soil.  Tooled around a nursery in Clarkston Washington and have found my very favorite plant place.  Yeah!  On my way back to Lewiston I stopped at Mickey D's and got Sissy a large diet coke to lure her out of bed.

I am going to go and get a pedicure at noon, as I can climb trees with my, toes, Yes, I am that talented!

Slowly oh so slowing cleaning out Kim's fridge and I have found many Science experiments.  Very scary!

She really needs to work for Dr. Fauci.  You know the next strain of Covid may be cured by something lurking in Kim's fridge!

Sissy is sewing and I am making fun of her, which is what I live for. 

We have managed to knock out a lot of work in the shop these past few days, and my plan is to have all the mending done, by late this afternoon and then it is just wedding dresses.  This scares Sis as she is afraid, she will run out of work!  I tell here this is the way it should be, get it done and then play.  I do not like to live on the edge and Sis, loves the edge!  Oh I have so many plans....( laughing inwardly and wickedly).

The Husband has been working hard in the yard and this morning has managed to miracle grow all the pots and pull another wheelbarrow full of weeds. So much work to be done, but we will get there!

Kim here:  I am on a forced march and Kay has gone to get her nails done.  I have a strict list of to do's that I am to have done by the time she gets back.

This picture should say done arguing with your sister.

I am going to take a nap.!

Happy dance....



  1. Kay-are those the deer heads that came with you from MD or ones left in the new house by the old owners? I'll pray the timing all works out and no hiccups happen.

    Kim-Girl, you had better get that Kay list done before that nap or there will be hell to pay after she gets her claws done. ;-)

    1. Kim took a nap while I was gone...and those were the Damn Deer Heads in the basement Family Room that I have had to live with for 30 years. Traveled from Montana and now back to Montana...gotta love Men!

  2. Yay on the house closing dates!!!! Fingers crossed, prayers said! Also, Kim will always have work bc a talented seamstress is rare indeed. So she doesn’t need to worry about that! Cindy in the South

    1. Cindy; I am here now ...She needs to worry!

  3. Kim sleeping/napping in the closet says much!!!!
    Hope all things go well with the houses!

    1. Well at least I did not find Her in the closet when I came Home, but in DC it was hysterical!

  4. You two are so funny. My sister's drive me in good ways, and drive me to want to drink on other days. Best of luck that all goes smoothly on both closings.

    1. Thanks Sam and thank God for Sisters!

  5. You both are hilarious! So that is what I missed by not having a sister. The two of you are amazing with the amount of work that you get done each day.
    Good luck with the closings, Kay; you sure got things moving quickly.
    Sorry about the vertigo, hope Kim feels better soon so she doesn't have to sleep in the closet.
    Have a relaxing evening.

  6. How does sleeping in the closet help vertigo? My sister probably can sew on a button. The other sister would just start drinking excessively. Neither would help sew.

    Those antlers are well-traveled. Did Kay live in Montana once?

    Supporting Kim is paramount right now. Good job. Let her nap if she turns out wedding dresses.

    1. That is exactly what Kay is doing Linda! Drinking excessively...

  7. I have been away for several days (a necessary road trip) and just catching up. While I don't like the reason you had to be in the closet, I smiled at the photo. One does what one has to do!!!

    1. I was trying so hard to get up and I just face planted it was really funny.

  8. Good luck with both closings! (Hawaii Planner)
