
Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday, surviving

 I would like to say I am all better but that would be not true by a long shot.  Three Doctor appointments last week and we are still fishing for why and what is wrong with my neck.  The pain is radiating and moving from left to right.  I was in tears many mornings last week and I stay on top of pain meds like crazy.

Now I am not a medication taker.  I take what I have to and very little tylenol or other NSAIDS. To be taking 6-8 tablets a day just so I can keep from crying very odd. One thing I did insist on was an anti-biotic which believe it or not has helped some. I had fever of 102 two nights in a row, with severe chills and night sweats, lots of sinus drainage. So, I flat out would not leave the third doctor's office without one. My pain level is greatly reduced but not gone and I still have to stay medicated.  It is just a mystery.  My next step is an ears, nose and throat, doctor if I can get into one.

In the meantime, I have only sewn what I have to, and Sissie has been a good nurse. I am determined to get caught up in the shop as last week I spent more than my fair share on time on the sofa.

I am really tired of being in some sort of pain or dizziness.  I feel like I have been under the weather since May 1st, and it is leading to depression.  Don't like it one bit.  I just want to wake up and feel good.  I must just be a spoiled brat. At least that is what I feel like. Whine, whine whine.  Don't really like myself right now, but I can't get away from myself and believe me I have tried.

Last night I spent the night at Sissie's with Kelsa, that way I had help if I needed it.  It was Nate and Signe's anniversary, so they got a night alone with Champaine, gift of Auntie Kay.

I have 4 wedding dresses to get out this week among other things. Sissie will be a big help with the among other things.

Sissie here...well I think I am here?  Kim has been quite ill, and it is concerning.  I feel like we are grasping at straws, so prayers are in order and lots of them.

The move in is in progress and we still have a long way to go.  I have made over seventeen trips to the dump with cardboard, and at least ten trips to the Salvation Army.

There is still a ton of artwork that needs to go on the walls, and so much of it will have to be given away.

We have a mystery that will never be solved.  Our white stone wear (service for eight) was packed by Kim and my Brother in Law... the dinner plates, salad plates, large and medium bowls are missing. Just vanished and we don't know where they went.  So, I have eight small (think Egg Drop soup) bowls to the set and that is it!  There is no shopping here to speak of and Walmart has nothing I want, and I will not order glass wear from Amazon.  We are getting by on four Corell plates and that is it.  Small egg drop soup bowls for sides.  This is not a third world problem.  Just one box that went astray?

There is a ton of mending to do in the shop and I must get busy and get it done.

Prayers for my Sissy please.

Hugs Kay


  1. Kim you have been on the go constantly this summer with no rest. I would think exhaustion mixed with some sort of flu bug. Your resistance has never had a chance to recover. You need to stay home and quit trying to go in 50 directions at the same time! Prayers being said for complete recovery.

  2. I hope you feel better very soon!! So sorry that you are going through all of this pain.

  3. Kim, I am echoing Cheryl but adding prayers for your head, neck, vertigo . . .
    Kay, I hope you get settled sooner rather than later!

  4. I would wonder if you’ve had Lymes disease? It has such a huge list of symptoms that come and go and very much so neurologically with dizziness. The hard part is there is a lot of false negatives in testing if it not at earliest stage. Doxycycline would be the antibiotic of choice just to try, the other ones won’t attack it as well if that’s what it is. Please research Lymes-long term Lymes. Hope you feel better!

    1. I was going to ask about Lyme too. Hope you get some relief soon!

  5. My dear friend, I am sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. I am praying for relief and for answers. Rest and let Sissy take care of you. And Kay, so nice to meet you!

  6. Prayers for both of you because you have to take care of Kim and she just feels so terrible. I am so thankful she has you there because neck pain is no joke.Virtual hugs for both. Cindy in the South

  7. Kim I hope the doctors figure out what is causing such extreme neck pain and you will be healed. God bless you.

  8. Prayers that you will feel much better soon. I'm glad that the antibiotic has helped some, and hopefully once you have the full course, you will be on the mend. I hope the Drs have done blood work and x-rays and such.
    Kay, thank you for helping, and I hope you will enjoy your new home. Sorry about the loss of your dishes though. I think we have lost or broken something in every move.

  9. Prayers headed your way! Hilogene in Az

  10. Kim, sending prayers your way. I hope that you find out what the problem is very soon. It is no fun being in pain.

    God bless.
