
Friday, August 16, 2024

Kim has gone to Idaho Falls


Sissy here and I truly believe an emergency Kitten can solve all problems!  It is Friday the 16th of August.

Kim left for Idaho Falls yesterday morning to visit her eldest for 10 days. I spent the night Wednesday to make sure she was loaded up and ready for the trip!  She said she was going to be on the road by nine, and I managed to get her on the road by 9:30 which on Kim time is a Holy miracle!

I made her promise to take it easy as she has been ill since the second week of May.  Her neck is getting much better and the shop is caught up.

She left Roscoe with Dan and I and we love it! So we are up at Kim's during the day working and we take Roscoe home at night.  We have a fenced backyard, and He is a very good Dog.  Our Cats don't particularly like it, but they are used to Him and my fatty Bud seems to be warming to Him a bit more, but Lucy (who hates everyone but my Husband) will have nothing to do with Him and hisses every time He walks by her.

My Husband is busy painting Sissies Master Bedroom and Bath, and it is looking so good.

I have torn up her house and am doing a major Spring or should I say summer cleaning.  I am starting with the shop and have everything pulled away from the walls and will sweep and vacuum and then mop and you all will work with me.

It is 10:05 do here I go...Okay it is 10:45 and I am about of a third of the way through this project and am taking a short break.  I will be meeting our little Sister for lunch today, but I do not know what time as of yet, am waiting for her text. So now I go back to work... it is 11:10 and the Shop is clean.  Swept, vacuumed and mopped and everything wiped down, windows washed, and large mirror cleaned. Smells wonderful in here. There are thirteen wedding dresses and five bridesmaid dresses and about ten things to mend which I will do what I can, but not today. 

I spent four hours yesterday doing all the ironing and it was a lot!

Now I will focus on the dining room for at least a half hour and do the same thing...but will take a five-minute break

It is now 12:09 and I am finished with the dining room and have swept and mopped the kitchen floor and I feel that is enough for one day as my back is starting to TWANG!

When I came Home with Kim after Joel passed and stayed with her for several months I got as sick as I have ever been in my adult life.  Tested for Covid four times. Nada! But I had as cough that was so bad that I blew muscles in my lower back, and it took about six months for it to heal.  If I push myself too hard or move a certain way too often, I can feel the twinge come back and I have learned to stop.  I do certain yoga exercises every morning before I get out of bed and that is the only way I healed it. Three different antibiotics and finally Codeine cough syrup (I hate narcotics and refused to take codeine until the Doctor said I could not get on a plane) I caved.  Had to get Home to do our taxes.  Found out later I had RSV nasty stuff.

well Lil Sis just cancelled as She has a crisis at work, so I am going to go and get Daniel and I some lunch somewhere and return to work on the Family Room a bit.

Hope everyone has a great and productive day!




  1. I didn't realize RSV could be so bad. Or, I forgot. They do make a vaccine, so hoping you get that. It sounds like we all need an emergency kitten. Kim won't recognize her house when she returns. Hopefully, she can make the drive and be okay. That is good of you and your husband to help.

  2. On the road again..... She sure does go a lot.
    Nice of you to help her out so much.

  3. I need Sissy at my house…. lol Cindy in the South

  4. Sissy, do you ever come to the Canadian prairies? I could use you for motivation, in other words give my butt a kick start.

    God bless.

  5. Sissy, apparently you and Kim share the “wow, how much work can we do in one day” gene ;). I will also agree it is inspiring to read your achievements. And I am happy you managed to get Kim off for ten days, hopefully to take it easy. Thank you for keeping the posts going! Hilogene in Az

  6. You are a good Sister. Wanna come to my house, lol
