
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Thursday, cold and maybe Sunny?

     The sun was shining this morning but it is bitter cold outside.  Mom is baking and I will make my chicken soup today.  Did not have time yesterday.  Mom is taking soup and cake to a person in her church that is having a hip replaced.

     I only had to lay out the ingredients.  Trip upstairs. Go down and get more flour and butter. Trip down and up.  She could not remember recipe.  Down for her recipe box.  Come set the oven, trip upstairs, should have done this when I set out ingredients.  Could not get beaters in, trip upstairs,  Come put in the second cake as her legs were giving out.  trip upstairs,  Needs a pain pill trip downstairs and then back up.  Why am I not skinny?  Because I eat the things she bakes.  It is stress eating.  The condition where one eats instead of killing ones mother.

     Every trash can in this house is full.  Who caused that?  Still have not put bedding on in guest room.  I did do my roots done last night, so I am beautiful.  Have to think positive as mom is determined to waste most of my time today.

     Picked up lean ground beef for $1.99 a lb and need to process it into smaller bags.  Will also make a bid batch of Swedish meatballs.

Last night I was in a rush and made brinner.  I had 3/4 of a loaf of french bread ( which I got for free) so I sliced it thick and made french toast, with eggs and bacon.

     I just have to get some things done today........

Have a great and productive day!



  1. Hey woman! It is a bit chill in Iowa today. It was 70 on Tuesday, 60 yesterday, who knows today but tomorrow a blizzard is on it's way. *yay* I was all ready for spring... what happened?

    1. Iowa is the state that people back east think is Idaho.

  2. I am convinced there is a troll or an elf in charge of the weather and we have somehow made it very angry.

  3. Love your definition of stress eating! =)
    Hang in there....Spring should be on its way eventually!

    1. Right now I am eating potato chips and they are so good!

  4. I am laughing not at you but because I live your life . My latest screwup as a daughter ? As per request I installed my mom's new phone before I left town. After my phone call yesterday she told me I installed it too soon and should have waited til I got home to change it. Her phone is new and does not operate like the one she has had for the past 15 year did. Imagine that😉

  5. Let's accentuate the positive - you are beautiful!!!

    1. and I'm going to New York! It is a family expression.....
