
Wednesday, February 22, 2017


     Do you ever have a hard time getting things done? I realize it is Wednesday and I live for the moment in my week that my classes are over.  Love the kids, hate the tole it takes on me.

     My shop is a wreck and I need to really focus on cleaning it up.  I don't know how it gets that way.  Gremlins?  Yes that must be it.

In the mean time I have the bed stripped in the guest room as grandson managed to get his diaper off in the middle of the night.  I also have not cleaned the guest bath.  Did not clean up the kitchen yesterday.  I have laundry to put away and the list goes on.  BLAH!

I want to be outside in the sunshine.  I want , I want, I need, I need.

I did make a nummy beef barley soup yesterday.  We have left overs for lunch.  Will be making homemade chicken and noodles tonight, as I have a big container of boiled down chicken and stock in the freezer.  This should take us through Thursday.  I think I will do a meat loaf on Friday.

SUN I want the SUN.

Does this post have  a theme?

Have a great and productive day!



  1. Oh, I am so with you! I am trying, trying, trying to get the 105 things done, but I just walk back and forth. I actually got a little sleep last night, so my mind is buzzing!

    1. I know, it is like squirrels running around in my head.

  2. I overslept this morning so am trying to catch up as I want want want and need, need, need to get into the forest today while the warm temps remain :)

    1. The sun is shining today, a little, I will take a little. Get out there girl.

  3. I spent Wednesday going to the oncologist, and the sun was hiding the whole way. Two hours of glorious sun down and back would have helped the drive and the mission. Today we have clouds, but it is sunny.

    1. I hope you can get outside and soak up a few rays.
