
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tuesday, Warning Photo heavy!

  B's wedding photos are in and they are delightful.  She was such a beautiful bride.  It was a glorious day.  Well not for the mother running around like a chicken with her head cut off.  But everything the bride had dreamed about so the mother
 was happy.

I love this picture of B.

This is a good one also.

Here is B's bouquet, I thought is turned out lovely and she loved it so that is worth everything.

 I loved this picture of the rings.  Both of these were inherited, one from my mother and the grooms from a neighbor.  He left his platinum wedding ring to B for her groom when she was a little girl.  So sweet.

 Isn't this a beautiful picture of one of the pew boughs.  Most of these flowers were picked form our neighbor hood. The bows were made by my Lil sis with ribbon ordered from Amazon.  These boughs have been used for two weddings all ready and are being sold to be used in another.

 This is the venue down by the pond.  My sisters did all the flowers and the decorating.

 The wedding party, so fun.  Hated the flower girl basket, but daughter must have forgot the one she made.  Oh well is it important, not really.

 Here are the happy parents and bride, but the fun is just about to begin and all I am thinking is hurry up I need to get to the kitchen.

 From left to right,  Eldest daughter, Groom, youngest daughter, really old mother, even older father, middle daughter.

 Here is D#2 and family.  This is Schmills, I had already run up the hill to the kitchen and I wanted D#1 to have a family photo, but was not there for directions.

This is Schmills signature move.

 Yes I am happy and my feet are blistered.

Lil sis and I with Stick Dan.  Sissies husband could not come so we made him a stick puppet for the photos.

No family event with the three of us would be complete without Sis's head in Lil sis's arm pit.  See how I have changed into my comfy mom shoes.  I still got blisters.
  I will have more pictures tomorrow, the wash machine is backing up in the floor drain.  It is always something.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Beautiful bride, beautiful Momma, and beautiful wedding and family.
    You my girl are BLESSED! Absolutely gorgeous.

    1. I thought B was lovely and I am so Happy it is over.

  2. I didn't realize it was such a large wedding party. I bet you WERE running around like a chicken w/it's head cut much to do!
    Lovely pictures and a lovely occasion.

    I didn't hardly recognize you in the formula portrait with your hair up! But the smile bordering on the psychotic is the Kim I know....*snort*

    Is "stick Dan" coming to OC with us? I sure hope so. Better than a Flat Stanley I think. lolz

    1. Yes that smile will get you every time. No stick Dan will remain home with the cats.

  3. Everything is beautiful! I can imagine you were run ragged. Your family is vry attractive!

  4. Kim - YOU LOOKED BEAUTIFUL! Your daughters are gorgeous! What a stunning bride! What an absolutely gorgeous wedding you pulled off! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Susie, I think they are beautiful too and that they came from lil old me is amazing, as I never won any beauty contest.

  5. Absolutely beautiful bride, family, and wedding! Your daughter looked stunning, just like her momma!

    1. You are too kind and need your glasses checked on the momma part.

  6. Beautiful all around! And great to be able to put faces to the names of all the people you talk about in your blog.

  7. The photos, the bride, the dress, the attendants, the flowers and the MOB are all beautiful. I am so glad you shared the beautiful day with us.
    Oh yeah, I am not going to call Schmills beautiful but he is an absolute doll!

  8. What is the armpit story? If you would like to share more photos, I csn hsndle it.

    1. Every time we get together for years Kelly has shoved Kay's head in her armpit for a picture.

  9. Great pictures! That bouquet IS beautiful. I'm impressed by the talent of Schmills!

  10. Your pictures are so beautiful! It looks like an amazing day.

  11. The pictures are beautiful Kim!! A little late, but congratulations on your daughter's wedding.

  12. WOW. Looks like you had a lot of fun. For running around you certainly look cool as a cucumber!
    Barb in PA

  13. What a beautiful family you have! The pics are wonderful! You guys did a great job!

  14. Just completely gorgeous! I feel like I was there. Thanks for sharing.
