
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wednesday, More pictures, too much to do.

Our group of young ones.  They were so good that day.  Our oldest grandson, and our youngest are the product of two lawyers.  Both are much more serious that Schmills.  Although the eldest can come up with some real zingers.  James on the end is really shy and could not be convinced to keep his hat on or to come down the aisle, but that is okay, I think the family can only handle one Schmills.

I loved this picture of the groom holding up her dress so they could walk down the road.  So sweet.

This is the most gorgeous groom on the planet.

I think this is my all time favorite, looking off into heaven.
This is my twin sister.  She is very classy.  I am not classy.  This is my brother in law Ty and he is a character.  If you want to meet a real cowboy, Ty is one of the few remaining.  He is a wonderful man.  Love these two more than life I tell you.  Well enough of the wedding pics, onto life in general.

Yesterday while I was blogging and doing laundry our sewer line backed up with clean wash water.  We had roots in the pipes leading from the house to the new set up in the driveway.  I knew this had to be cleaned out every 2-3 years and as we had not had any problems I forgot about it.  So Roto rooter came and I paid $180.00 to get that fixed and also had to clean up the water.  Dang!  I needed that like a hole in  the head.

     I need to steam a wedding dress this morning and I have several things on the pile that have come in, but most of it is easy hemming,  There is a big pot of tomatoes on the stove and I am going to sieve and cook to sauce.  I also bought boneless skinless chicken breasts for $1.29 a lb and I will be making two large pans of chicken enchiladas, one for us and one for my friend to take a meal into her today.  Then I have to seal a meal the rest of the breasts.  So I have much to get done today.  I would also like to do at least a couple of things on the list for September, but as I have not been feeling well I might just take a rest later.

What are you going to get done today?  Anything fun?  Is there something you have been waiting to do going to get done today?

Oh on a final note:  The mortgage is below  $8,000 I have put an additional $1000.00 on it in addition to the extra $1000.00 I had already put on so I am making progress.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are n the negative.



  1. Just love the pictures. Everyone looks so lovely.
    Money well spent on the roots - you should be in good shape now.

    I have done some much needed yard work. It was a bit cooler today.
    Have a good one.

    1. Both Hubs and I are so looking forward to selling this house. No matter what we do there is water in the basement.

  2. the four rooms are done being painted so I can start on fall cleaning and checking off the work that needs done with the energy audit items... Something fun is I am cat sitting for a couple days, definitely needed the "down" time to rest.

    Beautiful couple.

  3. Beautiful family!!! Hope you feel better, Janie

    1. Thank you, sometimes I think I am getting better and then it gets worse. Drat!

  4. At least you got to the root of that washer problem!

  5. I neded to return something and that was all. However, I took one look at my aching burn and decided to go to the doctor. That whole ordeal almost led to my death.

  6. Hi Kim,

    I love the pictures of your beautiful family! Thanks for sharing.

    I haye had to call Roto Rooter. We had to do that a couple of years ago. Our town put in a joint that turns just before it goes into the sewer system. Toilet paper seems to get caught in that turn and the joint is on our property and our responsibility. Every one of our neighbors across from us and on either side have had the same problem. It seems to be a design flaw. So the Roto Rooter guy told us to buy the cheapest toilet paper than we can. We all take his advice. They are expensive but they always have coupons online. I hope you found one. Your tree roots are another issue. We keep watching for that.

    What a great price on the chicken breasts!

    I am applauding you paying off another $1000. on your mortgage! Yeah!!!!!

  7. Still loving the pictures and go Kim! More effort towards your goals have paid off.

  8. Beautiful! The brides dress is gorgeous!

    1. Thanks you. She wants to wear it again. I said fine but it had better be for Halloween.
